I too had a helmet at a great price. AGV.We bought a helmet online for my wife from a Euro retailer, but it turned out to be too tight. Too expensive to send back for refund + restocking fee, so we compressed the liner by squeezing in some wood blocks and books inside the helmet over a few days and the fitment is now perfect.
Also, depending on the manufacturer or helmet, you may also be able to buy smaller/larger cheekpads to better fit the width of your face. The crown liner is a different story though. Not seen many replacement crown liners that aren't specific to the size of the shell, and they don't seem to vary in thickness much.
Did something similar Soaked the cheek pads and had them sitting on 20 Kg weights. 3 days and been perfect eversince..
Never ever had a problem returning anything. One of my past returns returns was Daytona boots. Wore them for about over and hour. With all the tags still on and walking on carpet.
Great company to deal with. Customer service is excellent.
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