For 27k would you drink it ?


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id drink it and im a dude, who cares...

on a side note, i find it funny that she sent it to lab testing after taking another sip... she clearly knew what she was drinking, or else why the hell would she send it to lab testing??

I figure she heard from here or there that the dude jacked off into her water, so she went ahead and got it checked out.

I agree that the poll isn't exactly in line with the crime, but if you gave me a $27 000, to drink CLEAN cum, then yah, I'd do it. I don't want any of that super gonorrhea that Japan's got right now.

HOWEVER, I find it difficult to understand how jacking off in someone's water equates to 27k of lost wages, therapy and medical expenses. Did she get a few STIs? Quit the job? THERAPY for cum?
How bitter does this guy haveto be to uhm... "taste" for her water to taste that horrible??
I avoid red meats, and eat lots of fruit like pineapple and oranges and basically drink just water so I don't get too many complaints lol. Not that I eat that way just for her pleasure, it's just what I like eating.

And for 27 grand... It ain't gonna hurt you, the amount will be less than a shot of buckleys (tablespoon) when you're sick. Plus, it's diluted in a bottle of water.
500ml of water takes 30 seconds to get down, that's a quick and easy 27 grand.
No worse than eating animal testicles on fear factor for just a CHANCE at 50grand.
I avoid red meats, and eat lots of fruit like pineapple and oranges and basically drink just water so I don't get too many complaints lol. Not that I eat that way just for her pleasure, it's just what I like eating.

I think you're supposed to pay if you wanna advertise on this forum.
lmao!! I was happy to see I didn't make the first list. Rockerguy unfortunately followed up with the higher priced hooker list. :lmao:
id drink it and im a dude, who cares...

on a side note, i find it funny that she sent it to lab testing after taking another sip... she clearly knew what she was drinking, or else why the hell would she send it to lab testing??

If your water tasted "off", regardless of what you thought it was, wouldn't you send it to the lab? She probably thought it was the tap water in the building and was hoping to sue the company *shrug*
HOWEVER, I find it difficult to understand how jacking off in someone's water equates to 27k of lost wages, therapy and medical expenses. Did she get a few STIs? Quit the job? THERAPY for cum?

I dunno..I made a kid eat my sh1t when I was 9..I don't think he's ever been the same..probably could have used some therapy...
Really what's the issue with drinking a little jizzy water? It's where we all came from. Lol.

I could think of worse things to drink that come from the human body.......can anyone say Apple Juice or Chocolate Shake? That I aint playin with.
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