Foggy Helmet | Page 2 |

Foggy Helmet

I've tried all the stuff buffed into the visor, and find it not to be effective for long. Bought a Foggy thing, and never fogged up again. Amazing little thing.

New helmet came with a pinlock visor. Has never fogged up.

If there isn't a pinlock visor for your helmet, grab a Foggy. It'll work like a charm.
I recently got a new helmet, HJC RPHA 10 combust. Gotta say im very happy with this pin lock for the anti-fog as most have already mentioned. I used to use the spray but this is just much better
Pin lock visors work well, but more expensive then a foggy mask.

Foggy left a stick patch from the velcro peeling off. Pin lock works great!!!
I have a mask called the "no fog" mask. Sort of a balaclava so your neck is also protected, but it forces all the air out the bottom of the helmet.
If it can keep my face warm at -30 on a sled with a motocross style helmet, and my visor clear, it will work for any motorcycle weather.

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