Flasher relay 09 civic

If it shorts, amp stays on ... What caused it to get short in the first place? Amp? No other fuses would blow? Seems a scam to blame it on amp therefore insurance doesn't have to cover it.
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If it shorts, amp stays on ... What caused it to get short in the first place?

If you understood what I said, then you answered your own question.

The only thing shirt was the signal light.

In which case the blame would not be with the Amp or the installer or the car or your insurer, but whoever caused the accident.

This is all assuming that the amp relay takes it's current signal from the turn signal circuit.
Well if it's the fault of the guy that caused the accident it should be covered by insurance..

Assuming my theory is correct, and assuming you can show the rationale to your insurer, and assuming your policy covers it, and assuming it's more than your deductible. Then yes, it should be covered by insurance.
How do I go about it? Car is already with the mechanic who has said its the amp and insurance has said since its the amp and not accident related they are not covering it. How do I prove that it is related and what the mechanic said is incorrect?
If you're really intent on proving it, first you'll need a roll of this;


Otherwise, just let it go. Some things aren't worth fighting for. Welcome to adulthood.
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