First motorcycle

You dropped the bike on that full size trailer ramp?? I thought doubled up 2x10 was a tad risky when unloading my GS850G from U-haul pick up truck. :)
I dropped it inside the trailer. Undid the straps on the right side and the straps on the left side pulled it over. I didn't have the kickstand down to catch it....
Pure brain-fart on my part.

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I dropped it inside the trailer. Undid the straps on the right side and the straps on the left side pulled it over. I didn't have the kickstand down to catch it....
Pure brain-fart on my part.

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Done that more than once....
Not my first bike, but my first brand new bike......there was stop sign 20ft away from where I first got on it. I stopped, leaned over to fix my pant cuff, and over I went.
I’d like to meet the guy that has not dropped a bike at one point . I’m sure they exist, I’ve never met them

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I hadn't until our trip to the east coast on my brand new K1600 last June. Fully loaded about 2 minutes after getting off the ferry to PEI. Total rookie mistake. While the handle bar was turned, I braked abruptly. Down she went. Good thing was I installed protection bars front and back. Best money spent. Still a few scuffs. Idiot.
I remember Max Burns of CC writing that the old saw about "two kinds of motorcyclists" was so bogus because he had never dropped a bike. Then of course he later wrote an article about taking the big spill.
Gravity sucks. That's it's only job.
@Canuckles don't focus on the 'what ifs'. Remember what your instructors showed you, especially about low speed turns and where to carry the weight while walking the bike. Being nervous with a new bike is normal, just push past it.

A few days ago I had to do my first u turn on my new beast and I was a bag of nerves.
The M2 courses are a huge measure towards being a safer beginner... but think of those courses like passing a learn to skate program if you want to play hockey.

There are lots of skills, confidence and situational awareness to learn.

Riding is like any complex sport, very hard to learn without a coach or mentor. Fortunately there are lots of proficient and safe people in the riding community that are generous with their time, find a few.

Good luck Grasshopper!
I think the foot slip/tip over is the most common way for bikes to have a nap (especially with new riders). Thankfully damage is normally not extensive.
Not just new riders. I'm lucky to have never gone down rolling, but not so lucky with slip and tip.

Sadly my last two tip overs have been in very public places - LCBO in Keswick, and in the lot at work for about 100 colleagues to see.
My first motorcycle has been purchased. During my weekend at the riding course I fell in love with their CBR125. Of course I didn’t go with a 125 on my first bike but I went for a similar style. My new baby is a 2022 KTM RC 390. I pick her up in a couple of days View attachment 60557
Still waiting on the ETA sales guy said he’d have one for me 2 days ago but haven’t heard back likely due to them being closed Sunday and maybe him being off today. Hoping I get it before my trip in a few days. Bike is at the dealer and built just waiting for them to finish up and give me the green light
Not just new riders. I'm lucky to have never gone down rolling, but not so lucky with slip and tip.

Sadly my last two tip overs have been in very public places - LCBO in Keswick, and in the lot at work for about 100 colleagues to see.
If that happens to me I’m pulling a no witnesses. No one’s allowed to see me do that lmaooo
Not just new riders. I'm lucky to have never gone down rolling, but not so lucky with slip and tip.

Sadly my last two tip overs have been in very public places - LCBO in Keswick, and in the lot at work for about 100 colleagues to see.
It's even better when the bikes traps your foot in such a manner that you have to wait for some kind soul to lift the bike off you. (oddly that was at a LCBO too)
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