First Crash Report |

First Crash Report


Well-known member
Rider: Me
Experience: 30 Glorious days :cool:
Cause : Should've paid more attention to the msf course on rear wheel locking in the rain. Very likely I let go after I locked it up. I tried front breaks after but it was too late.

Speed: 40 KM/H

Damage: Head light, Gas tank, left peg, shift pedal, handle bar :(. Surprisingly no damage on the side of the bike (engine and transmission). Rain jacket ripped, no other damage to gear, helmet survived (scratches on visor), I am wondering if i should replace it.

While waiting for the tow truck one rider stopped and made sure that I am Ok, so if you are on this forum "Thank You". The police officer was very sweet about it "She is a rider" and the tow truck driver was also nice and he is a rider as well. I walked unharmed with one sore thumb, luckily it only started hurting 1 hours after i got home.

If anyone has spare parts for a bike like mine, then PM me.
Thanks as soon as I walked I was thankful enough. Now I am trying assess the damage and to fix it up.
Driving in the rain sucks and I avoid it. I rode my motorcycle test in a thunderstorm, I thought I was going to die haha..

I had a similar accident within my first month of riding too. except replace rain with gravel patch on a corner.

I too felt fine all day other than a quiet ringing in my head (I would have been dead without a helmet). But get ready to feel sore in the morning!
Thanks Sarky

Driving in the rain sucks and I avoid it. I rode my motorcycle test in a thunderstorm, I thought I was going to die haha..

I had a similar accident within my first month of riding too. except replace rain with gravel patch on a corner.

I too felt fine all day other than a quiet ringing in my head (I would have been dead without a helmet). But get ready to feel sore in the morning!

One good thing about the rain, is that it made it softer for the slide; my rain pants are light but still intact.
hey, glad you are fine, bike is metal and can be fixed. Keep your head up, hope all turns out well.
hey, glad you are fine, bike is metal and can be fixed. Keep your head up, hope all turns out well.

Thanks, I am trying to keep my head high. Can't wait to bring the bike back to life.

That's one way to get mechanically acquainted with my bike, damage looks ugly, but not too costly.
That's one way to get mechanically acquainted with my bike, damage looks ugly, but not too costly.

Good on you for being willing to learn. Tank may be the priciest bit of the damage you listed. Don't be surprised if it's over $3-400 to get it replaced if necessary.
Good to hear your okay, as soon as this rain rolls away get back on a quick as possible to work out your jitters.
Glad you're OK, the rest can be fixed.

Ride safe
Ouch. Glad to hear you're ok though. Bikes can be fixed. Mine's still not fully repaired.

So you locked up the rear and went down? I've locked my rear plenty of times in the rain but it's the front that finally resulted in a drop. Locking the rear was kind of like when we used to do it on purpose on bicycles as a kid to make cool skid marks on the ground except at a much higher speed and with a heavier vehicle, overall not too terrible.

Another instance where ABS (which most riders seem to hate for whatever reason) would've potentially kept it rubber side down.
Good to hear you are alright. :thumbup: I was looking for a similar bike if I sell my SS. When I started out, I tended to stay on neighbourhood streets to pratice my riding skills in the rain so that if i ever went down, I wouldn't get run over.
Another instance where ABS (which most riders seem to hate for whatever reason) would've potentially kept it rubber side down.

Thanks guys. For sure my next bike will have abs.
Did you go over the top or slide out?
I did that once or twice when I first started riding. Now I use the rear only to keep the bike stable when braking or setting up a corner. For a very long time I often used only the front brake to brake my tendency to overbrake with my rear.

Of course, my current bike has ABS and now I only need to worry about staying in the saddle because when I apply the brakes hard it stops so fast I feel I'm gonna go airborne sometimes.
Glad you are OK, and I would definitely think on replacing the helmet. Most helmets are only meant to take one impact, I know its a cost for what it seems a simple scratch but IMO is for your safety.

Hope to see you riding soon :)
Glad you are OK and getting back on two once the bike is fixed.
Glad you are ok!! I was in a crash over a year ago still injured mind you but the key is to get back out riding as soon as possible. Take it easy if you have to but make sure you get back on the bike. On the bright side you dropped your bike and now it should be out of your system and you'll never do that again!!

Good luck fixing the bike

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