First Bike. decision dilemma.

I see you already made your choice, but I thought I would just chime in to say you made the right one.

I had a 2009 klx 250, and liked it. I am about 35lbs lighter than you and I found the 6th gear on the KLX nearly useless... it didn't have the power to pull the bike and me in 6th; 5 was faster. It was a good bike though and very cheap on insurance.

Now I have a DRZ, and I much prefer it. I have the 3x3 mod, an FMF pipe, and is rejetted. It still isn't great on the highway and actually could use a 6th gear. In the trails I don't have to do nearly as much shifting as with the KLX. The DRZ has enough power that even if I am not in the optimal gear it will still power through -- the KLX could not.
Not to mention once you do the 3x3 mod, rejet the DRZ will rip.

not really... id skip the rejet and just spend that money on a bigger carb, only then does it start to wake up.
I'm starting my search for a drz. There are a few in my area. One fully modded for $5000. The only question I have (and this might be better for thumpertalk forum) is this drz has the FRC41mm carb, big bore, MRD exhaust, rebuilt top-end by eddie on TT etc... Is the FCR 41 carb a potential issue in any way? From my lurking on TT it seems the FCR 39 is the one to go with.
Spring is the expensive time to buy.

For comparison sake, I bought a 2009 DRZ with 11000km on it last September. Seat concepts seat, rear rack, fmf pipe, jetted, new tires, for $3500, but that was from a buddy. I've since added a skid plate and case covers.

Anyway, there are tons of DRZs for sale out there:
You are on some pretty heavy drugs if you really think that a bike that can do 148 km/h can't do highways.
You are right. . lol I was thinking 125 hahah ooops my bad... Must have been half asleep when reading and replying..
You are right. . lol I was thinking 125 hahah ooops my bad... Must have been half asleep when reading and replying..

Half asleep? Or was it the heavy drugs? Lol
not really... id skip the rejet and just spend that money on a bigger carb, only then does it start to wake up.

Figured I would mention the 3x3 + rejet because it's reeaaallly cheap. Not really sure on the cost of new carbs..?

In any case there's nothing wrong with the bike stock either :D
The DRZ is a great bike** but putting street tires on it (going the SM route) just seems wrong.

**but it seems to follow with Suzie's past of some times sketchy electrics....
hey Guys, drz's are pretty sparse this time of year. Right when I'm ready to buy too!

Anyways, This one came up in my city. Has lots of KM's though. Almost 50,000! wow. and they're asking $4000 seems very steep. Should I consider this bike? If so, what's a fair offer? $1800? lol

Another one in my area. All the mods, low Kms but might need work. (rear wheel bearing, oil on forks) $4250

Anyone have any advice? Shoud I just keep looking? I want something reliable and my budget is $6,000 max.
47,000 km does seem high. I read somewhere (Adventure rider?) of some guy in the states who figured his engine was beyond rebuild at about that mileage but that sounds a bit extreme.

The other one might be OK but I'd wonder about the condition of the clutch. I don't know how sturdy they are with an increase in HP, I know my old XRL had issues if one dramatically hopped up the engine without upgrading the clutch. To me the need for rear bearings might mean he's ridden it pretty hard, or been breaking the rear end loose around corners (which is lots of fun). It doesn't mean its not well maintained just that it may be well used. It's worth a look.

Don't be impatient, it's still early. There will be more coming up for sale in the next couple weeks.
The one with 47,000 is my brothers old bike. He sold it to that guy for $1800 last fall...
That add is b.s.

My brother crashed it... its mechanically sound (except for a dent in the front rim, and a massive dent on the right side of the tank from my brothers knee...)

He hounced off the side of a car that did a u-turn infront of him. Stretched his acl. Was on crutches for like 8 weeks.
The one with 47,000 is my brothers old bike. He sold it to that guy for $1800 last fall...
That add is b.s.

My brother crashed it... its mechanically sound (except for a dent in the front rim, and a massive dent on the right side of the tank from my brothers knee...)

He hounced off the side of a car that did a u-turn infront of him. Stretched his acl. Was on crutches for like 8 weeks.

The drz ad should go in the stupidly overpriced kijiji thread. Thanks for the heads up Matt.

Also, That sucks what happened to your bro.
****** part is, I just called my brother to tell him his old bike is for sale... and his old plate is still on it...

I wouldn't doubt that everything the seller states in that add is B.S.
If you have any mechanically inclined motorcycle friends, take them with you when you check out a bike. If the deal is not right, or its not mechanically sound, they can talk you out of making a bad decision.

We often become emotionally attached and buy on impulse... i've been guilty of that.
If you have any mechanically inclined motorcycle friends, take them with you when you check out a bike. If the deal is not right, or its not mechanically sound, they can talk you out of making a bad decision.

We often become emotionally attached and buy on impulse... i've been guilty of that.

Ditto on the impulse buy... I do (did ?) that... a LOT.

Tons of bikes will come and go.

Also keep an eye out for a Yamaha WR250R.. It can and will do highway.

The Yami is incredibly smooth from what I hear.
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