OP the price you paid and what it is insured for are 2 different things . I am with coop for years with all my vehicles ( car , truck , bike , buisness ect ) ) and had 2 total loss claims on both a truck and bike they go buy ACV ( actual cash value ) does NOT matter what you paid for it . ( here on east coast anyway ) but still cooperators out of ontario . When u got insurance they ask you right away what it is worth to you and thats the Max price they will pay you . They also Dont go by book value thats a pile of BS they start there ( just for a idea ) and then look at local average pricing for your year , make , model , kms , condition in auto trader, kijiji ect .. But will NOT exceed your insurance value you told them in the beginning I been with coop for years and they were always by far the best i ever dealt with and their prices are really reasonable No hassles whatsoever , quick painless claims , i couldn't believe it especially after all the BS and stuff you here online about Book value , waiting times and lots more . Yes if you go through a claim process on your bike expect to be down for at least 3 weeks before you even get a check if it is a Total Loss , if its a repair job then you will be down longer maybe a month or so easy but thats to be expected . And it does NOT take much to write off a bike trust me been there done that all it takes is a few broken plastics and a centimeter scratch through the paint on your main frame and shes a TOTAL LOSS lol . coop needed a police report from me the next day . Its funny they didnt request one the moment you called them which you can just go in anytime and get one . Also Since you lowsided if your helmet hit the ground they have to replace it or any gear that you were wearing that got damaged due to safety .