First 2013 official toronto supermoto meet up!!

Have you checked any spacers that you may have used in the installation? They may not be the same for the left or right sides - it might be as easy as checking and swapping left to right spacers...

guys I am done but I have a concern after I align the rear tire I notice that the sprocket has a mark from de chain on the LH side (on the out side) the inside is doesn't have a mark that leads me to belive my tire is not align properly even I put the little dot on the same spot on both sides. Any ideas how to correct it? By eye I can see looking from the back that the tore is closer on the RH side to the A arm than the LH side
No I bougth the wheels all ready to install, I think it was just the mark of the tire leaning over the corners, I am just riding her like that, seems to be ok. Thanks guys! any rides for today?
No I bougth the wheels all ready to install, I think it was just the mark of the tire leaning over the corners, I am just riding her like that, seems to be ok. Thanks guys! any rides for today?

Ever since school started I haven't been out.

There were some off road rides, someone was going to the ganny today.
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