Yeah I know eh. Trailer trash life doesn't suit you Amazon, you're better than that.
you only really remember the bad tenants anyway.
I've had more success with and referrals from friends, than through craigslist and kijiji, fwiw.
I didn't find out this info until a couple weeks ago. They seemed like nice stable people when I came to look at the place. The landlord didn't find out for a while either, otherwise I doubt he would have rented to people who have committed fraud. Here I was thinking this place would be better since it was out in the country on a farm as opposed to in town on streets full of crack whores and stabbings. The landlord says if he manages to evict them he'll try and work something out with me so I can still stay for a little while. All I need is until April, that's when i graduate and move on to another school.
Don't you guys check referrals and credit rating? If you're not convinced they're good folk, move on. Or your place is a dump and no one reliable would choose to live there?
Another funny story.
My BIL was renting out a house to a couple that let things go to the point he was able to legally evict them and put their stuff on the front lawn. Expecting trouble he called the police and started moving stuff out. A cop noticed bags of garbage in a kids bedroom and called childrens aid. My BIL called the renter at work to let him know what was going on. The renter showed up all hyper yelling about this is all his stuff. The cop asked if it was all his stuff and the guy says "Every bit" Cop points to a bag of weed on a dresser and says "This too?"