Finally! Someone stands up to the tenant

I didn't find out this info until a couple weeks ago. They seemed like nice stable people when I came to look at the place. The landlord didn't find out for a while either, otherwise I doubt he would have rented to people who have committed fraud. Here I was thinking this place would be better since it was out in the country on a farm as opposed to in town on streets full of crack whores and stabbings. The landlord says if he manages to evict them he'll try and work something out with me so I can still stay for a little while. All I need is until April, that's when i graduate and move on to another school.
you only really remember the bad tenants anyway.

I've had more success with and referrals from friends, than through craigslist and kijiji, fwiw.

I usually sift through the kiiji ads for those looking for a room and if they put down that they have a full time job and seemed genuine I'll shoot them an e-mail. So far it seems I get better tenant from those that make an effort to write about themselves on kiiji than those that respond to my ads.

My rental price is really low too which makes it hard for tenants not to pay their monthly rent or try finding another place that is cheaper with better living experience.
I didn't find out this info until a couple weeks ago. They seemed like nice stable people when I came to look at the place. The landlord didn't find out for a while either, otherwise I doubt he would have rented to people who have committed fraud. Here I was thinking this place would be better since it was out in the country on a farm as opposed to in town on streets full of crack whores and stabbings. The landlord says if he manages to evict them he'll try and work something out with me so I can still stay for a little while. All I need is until April, that's when i graduate and move on to another school.

Good con artists don't look like con artists or they wouldn't be able to con people in the first place.
Don't you guys check referrals and credit rating? If you're not convinced they're good folk, move on. Or your place is a dump and no one reliable would choose to live there?

+1. I've been renting a house out since 1991, and never had a tenant miss a payment. Some have been better than others, most have been very good, but none have been bad. Most have stayed over 5 years. My philosophy is that we both treat each other fairly. I don't get greedy & up the rent every year for good tenants. A little less cash is well worth keeping someone you like.

That being said, 1 bad tenant & I sell the place. Not wasting my time with the "Tenant Protection Act"!
gotta watch the show on SPIKE "World's Worst Tennants". Pretty cheesy but funny as heck
Another funny story.

My BIL was renting out a house to a couple that let things go to the point he was able to legally evict them and put their stuff on the front lawn. Expecting trouble he called the police and started moving stuff out. A cop noticed bags of garbage in a kids bedroom and called childrens aid. My BIL called the renter at work to let him know what was going on. The renter showed up all hyper yelling about this is all his stuff. The cop asked if it was all his stuff and the guy says "Every bit" Cop points to a bag of weed on a dresser and says "This too?"

AHAH nice..

My parents have been renting out a place since the early 90's, the one good tenant they had decided to finally move out and buy a house for herself and family, was sad to see them go.

All the tenants after the fact have sucked *** - I'll go as far as saying how with one "family" everything looked excellent on paper, but in the end we found out that they trying to build a grow-up in the basement (which never happened, just a lot of damaged property (and this was right after fixing the place up for newer prospective tenants and giving the house a nice face limit)) - they must've left in the middle of the night because none of the surrounding neighbours saw them leave and seemed like they no longer existed (everything was pretty much a farce and most likely con-artists who are really good at doing so).

Another tenant (really feel sorry for the guy) is living with his girlfriend/wife who is lazy and a complete slob, he's the only one who works probably 12hrs a day 5-6days a week, the house is always filthy and messy, they've damaged appliances and ruined the kitchen, walls through the house and who knows what else. The wife has another child or two with previous boyfriend and they have their own kid so three in total. They have also let her mother move in with them who also doesn't work as well as her father who has come out of the corrections and doesnt nothing all day but smoke and drink. Rent is always late and most of the times cheques bounce so to make up for it they come back and end up paying in cash and there is no possible way of evicting unless end up selling the house.

There was another couple before them who were always late on payments and sometimes didnt pay at all, after filing for an eviction (lengthy and **** process), managed to get the cops at the house and got them out. They basically lived rent free for over 5-months. When it was time to take them to small claims court they tried to throw all these excuses to the judge and whining and complaining, made me sick to my stomach - after the judgement was made, they were summoned to pay about 80% of total amount due. Since the husband was a ****** and lazy and never went out to look for work even when they rented, they had to put an order out to garnish the wifes wages and even that wasn't enough. I think they got sick of it and ended up claiming bankruptcy and this just became a lost cause because there was nothing more you could do at that point.

My parents have had **** luck with all these crap tenants and told them to just sell and reinvest in to other things.
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