I do the landlord thing with my Dad (I do all the court/legal action stuff). I am 100% opposed to the Landlord and Tenant Board and government Tribunals are supposed to make the legal process "Faster and more affordable because people can represent themselves".
Sure they can, but it doesn't mean they are competent to do so. I have been subject to and witnessed dozens of adjournments where a mishap on paperwork leads to a thrown out case, tenant getting away with another month or the landlord losing a claim.
Prior to 2012, did you know that tenants could "piggy back" off landlord applications without paying anything? It is still possible to do this now unless the landlord makes a specific objection.
Nowadays adjudicators are so power hungry, I have been told to "shush" and "shut up" on one occasion, where my objection had full merit (speaking about settlement terms in the hearing and other causes).
The easy, self represented tribunal system is flawed and naive when it applies strict rules to people who have no legal training. Specifically, legal help for tenants is available on site, but nothing for landlords.
In 9 years I have evicted over 12 people from a house and two apartments. In total we have had, at best, 2-3 AMAZING tenants. The others were filled with empty promises and lead me to lose all compassion and empathy for non-paying tenants. We had a few "career tenants", one of which moved in, didnt pay the 2nd month rent.... a month and a half later, after we got the sheriff to open the door, the mess looked like someone didnt clean up for 6 months. The bastard bought a full groceries worth of meat, put it in the fridge and unplugged it.
There are slumbag landlords, but even more dirtbag tenants out there. My favourite was the one that ran off without paying 2-3 months and left the google map directions to their new place in the recycling bin.