Filtering - what was your outcome?

Nails and other debris aside, is it seriously only an $85 fine?

Insurance hike, too? Dunno. My last ticket was $40 but I'd happily pay $400 if it meant to rise in insurance.
got a bitching from the cop and an official warning. Only a bitching the second time...
油井緋色;1998315 said:
Yeah but cops also run reds and other **** -_- We can't use them as an example as they're above the law.
But when they do stupid ***** they have their cherries on at least. What I saw they'll go on the shoulder when traffic is at a stop then merged with traffic when it started moving again then move to the shoulder again when it's a stand still....unless they're in an emergency call/situation as far as I know they must abide to the rule of the road.
See the survey on this.

Vast majority seem to not get tickets (filtering in stopped traffic and not on the highly, which is not the same thing as lane splitting in moving traffic).

If you have a relevant experience, please add it to the survey because it helps everyone get a clear picture of the real world implications of this.

This is an inconclusive poll. And considering only 17 people have replied, and only 4 of which did it in front of police.... saying a "vast majority" seem to not get tickets is a huge over statement.

Doing it regularly doesn't mean police where there to witness it. Even the 4 who did it in front of police likely weren't the center of attention at the time.

It doesn't conclude on the legality of lane filtering/splitting either. It only shares people's experiences, which can't be validated as being true either.
A couple of weekends ago - I got stuck with a buddy of mine in insane lakeshore traffic as the BMO field got let out and the ACC took in the hockey crowd. Bumper to bumper stopped traffic - needless to say I filtered the **** out of the road to get me home as soon as possible. I passed nearly 5 or 6 cops all of whom did nothing.

I'll be cautious to filter - unless there is bumper to bumper traffic where people have shut their cars off completely.

5 or 6 cop cars did nothing cuz they are stuck bumper to bumper and don't want to leave the car to run after you on foot....
But when they do stupid ***** they have their cherries on at least. What I saw they'll go on the shoulder when traffic is at a stop then merged with traffic when it started moving again then move to the shoulder again when it's a stand still....unless they're in an emergency call/situation as far as I know they must abide to the rule of the road.

Where do you live that you see cops use their cherries to do stupid ****? I see stupid **** by cops daily without their lights on. Everything from running reds to illegal turns to speeding. Think I've seen a cruiser use turns signals maybe 3 times in my whole life. Took a driving course with an instructor that teaches police. He said the police are the worst drivers on the road because they think they can do whatever they want (and usually they can). I've even seen cops make other people run red lights but sitting behind them honking until the person goes through. No lights in that case, either.
Agreed that it's not statistically accurate to high levels with the current number of responses and that it's too early to draw a definite conclusion. If you can help get more people to fill it out, that'll help get us all a better answer and benefit the forum.

However even the 17 responses are a better indication than we had before because they don't just represent 17 individual events of filtering. Each of those respondents has likely filtered anywhere from a few times to a few hundred times, so this is actually representative of a much larger data set than 17. Among all those filtering events (likely well over 300), we have only 3 reports of a fine. The needle seems to be leaning decidedly towards the "low risk" direction.

I'm a Director of Pricing and Analytics in telecom so I work with large, complex and often incomplete datasets all the time. Frequently the best insights don't come from the simple summaries of data points, they come from teasing the implied metadata out (aka, the hidden data behind the visible data).

You're also right that it doesn't conclude on the legality, but that was neither the topic of the survey nor this thread. However the fact that it is based on peoples' experience makes it no more valid or invalid than the Canadian census, or most marketing research (a multi-billion dollar per year industry). In all these cases, people can lie but they're still the best we have.

All stats discussions aside, I agree with you 100% that the cake's not fully baked yet lol. Hopefully all it needs is time...

This is an inconclusive poll. And considering only 17 people have replied, and only 4 of which did it in front of police.... saying a "vast majority" seem to not get tickets is a huge over statement.

Doing it regularly doesn't mean police where there to witness it. Even the 4 who did it in front of police likely weren't the center of attention at the time.

It doesn't conclude on the legality of lane filtering/splitting either. It only shares people's experiences, which can't be validated as being true either.
Kiloohm;1997775[B said:
]Is it legal in Ontario to drive between an active lane and parked car (like on Queen West)[/B]? I've heard people getting tickets for that while I was in Montréal.

I did a quick search in the Quebec Highway Safety Code to compare with Ontario HTA. Let's just say that the Quebec one is clear and direct (and the offence attached to this is 100$ to 200$ + fees and no points).

478.No person may drive a motorcycle or a moped or ride a bicycle between two lines of vehicles moving on contiguous lanes.

From what I see, the Ontario HTA is a lot more vague on this you always risk careless driving under section 130 or worst stunt driving under section 172. Not cool.... I preferred to clear and direct fine in Quebec for that. At least I knew what to expect and it was reasonable.

Yes you're allowed to do this, but beware of door prizes, pedestrians, and jerks sitting in traffic who think you're not allowed to do this. The parked cars are not part of "traffic", since they're not "moving" or "operating".

Sometimes you're able to move faster through heavy traffic during off peak rush hour than during rush hour (with extra lanes) since those parked cars give you a way out.
Yes you're allowed to do this, but beware of door prizes, pedestrians, and jerks sitting in traffic who think you're not allowed to do this.

Every car driver I've spoken to about filtering comes up with a handful of derogatory words to describe what they think of motorcyclists filtering. They literally want everyone else to suffer along with them.
Every car driver I've spoken to about filtering comes up with a handful of derogatory words to describe what they think of motorcyclists filtering. They literally want everyone else to suffer along with them.
J & P tow truck drivers, which the city gets to tow people on St. Clair after 4pm, intentionally block me all the time. Have had a few nearly push me into the parked cars as they pulled out to block me. Even when both lanes free up and I'm not on my bike they sit on the line to block both lanes so no one can get around them. No idea why they drive like such asshats.
J & P tow truck drivers, which the city gets to tow people on St. Clair after 4pm, intentionally block me all the time. Have had a few nearly push me into the parked cars as they pulled out to block me. Even when both lanes free up and I'm not on my bike they sit on the line to block both lanes so no one can get around them. No idea why they drive like such asshats.

I see cabbles do that all the time too; blocking both lanes. Seems like they want to take advantage of whichever lane moves faster and think that it's some sort of a race.

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