fighting rear plate ticket

Unfortunately you're going to have a great deal of difficulty fighting that one, in my opinion. Even when viewed from the best possible angle, as in your photograph, a part of the plate is still occluded by the tail section.


If you were to take a picture from a car behind you, That would be difficult to see.
Looks obscured to me, and from the angle of a vehicle following behind you or a camera taking a picture from above it would be even more obscured then the pictures you took.

Officers notes look legit. Shows tail diagram of tail section and where the original plate bracket and light were and how far back from the OEM position it was at the time of the infraction.

Sorry to say but the plate is in a bad spot and unless the officer doesn't show you're gonna get convicted.

Take the ticket to court and try and get the fine reduced but I wouldn't fight it.

fix the plate and ride care-free from now on.
I will post a pic, I moved it back about 4" to the rear.

Unfortunately that doesn't help much with getting out of the ticket. If you wanted to demonstrate to the prosecution and JP that you were deserving of clemency, then you would move it back to the stock location.
thats what I have to do, just havent had time to touch the bike this week. once I do I will post the pics.
nice. when have a SS I will definitely be needing a set up like yours...
cops pulled into wasaga beach parking lot after Chad and I walked our bikes back 3 spaces and pulled into the parking lot with no helmets on. (bikes where not running and on the shoulder) The bouncers where gonna keep an eye on the bikes for us while we had a pop. The cruiser we where riding in front of 15 minutes before (that did not pull me over) pulled in when he seen this. he was trying to start a fight with us about not having helmets on, we where very polite and obliging non the less.
while he was writing up Chads ticket about the helmet, he was looking at my bike and decided that my plate was not visible (but it was we where just a head of him 15min ago) So I explained the plate was where the old owner had his mounted and I had just passed safety and bought the bike 3 days before. he said to late.......

He has pictures up close of the plate but doesnt show its not visible
I have pictures showing from the rear in another car showing that it is.

because its mounted under the tail section I have to now show that the line of sight between the cameras and plate are not obstructed.
so with a level and an protractor I can prove this as long as I know what angle the cameras use.

Were you on private property all the time?

"No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway unless..."

Is pushing a motorcycle that is not running still considered driving?? Look up a definition of driving a motor vehicle

Fight it on technicality if possible.
One of the regs in the back of the HTA speaks directly to motorcycle licence plate mounting:

The number plate for a motorcycle, motor assisted bicycle or trailer shall be attached to and exposed in a conspicuous position on the rear of the vehicle. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 628, s. 9 (4).

You may be faced with the argument that it was not in a conspicuous position, and the officer may use his photograph/notes to explain.

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