Fight your ticket! Every ticket! Even your first ever ticket!

A cash grab is something that's unavoidable surely, lets say a hike in property taxes for homeowners.......everything mentioned here is entirely avoidable though, speeding fines and parking tickets are not taxes for driving/riding.

The whole idea of fines and insurance hikes are deterrents to errant behaviour aren't they? I have no problem at all with innocent parties utilising the system of law to argue their case, or even guilty parties arguing for a reduction of a penalty on any grounds.....but not accepting the consequences of your own voluntary actions and playing the system when plainly guilty isn't doing anything except leading towards a breaking point where something will have to give...and I can more or less guarantee that when it does it won't be beneficial for anyone either through increased taxes to look after the current state of affairs or the passing of more draconian measures or for instance the reintroduction of unmanned speed cameras etc.

Sorry to rant but the real reason I'm ****** is in this country the "prove it's not my fault when really it plainly is" defense is used a lot for other more serious crimes quite often. The worse ones being.."it's not my fault I drunkenly mowed down the cyclist/pedestrian/'s the bar's fault for serving me booze".
That is completely wrong... Just because you got hosed by POINTS doesn't mean they are all bad... Check the sponsor of this site then ask people that used them. Redline .

Hosed is an understatement! The moment I met my representative in court, he's shaken his head, tappin his toes, in nervous anticipation telling me it doesn't look good, JP is really tough, etc. They put me up on the stand, asked me how fast I was going - I said about 15kph less than charged, then the JP and crown both started laughing at me, and in the end was guilty as charged. What a waste time that was. But that was over 25 years ago - maybe things have changed.

My 18 year old nephew was charged with 118kph in a 90kph zone just north of Barrie. My brother & I have been discussing the possibilities, but think it's unlikely the charge would be dismissed in Barrie. Does anyone know any reasonably priced traffic court specialists in the area? My brother's thinking "Traffic Ticket Solutions" and I suggested "Redline".
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