Female Rider Killed in Fiiery Crash


Well-known member
Don't think his has been posted.


WEST LINCOLN, Ont. — A woman riding a motorcycle was killed and another woman was injured in a fiery crash in the Niagara region. A 51-year-old woman riding a Yamaha on Silver Street, near Caistor Gainsborough Road, collided with a pickup on Sunday.
Police say the woman from Stoney Creek, Ont., lost control of her motorcycle, crossed into oncoming traffic and collided with the pickup.
The impact caused both vehicles to burst into flames.
The woman on the motorcycle was pronounced dead at the scene.
A 47-year old woman from Ridgeville, Ont., driving the pickup was air-lifted to the Hamilton General Hospital with life-threatening injuries.

Just saw that this was reported here: http://www.gtamotorcycle.com/vbforum/showthread.php?140414-Stoney-Creek-woman
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