Fake vs real (or mostly real) “Reality” TV/Youtubers

I don't put up with that nonsense. After 1-2 minutes, I'm going in. If weird insta person is in my pictures, that's part of the story

The risk of becoming part of the video is that next thing you know you're being doxed online and all sorts of other insane **** by rabid followers who are upset that you dared cross their diety.
I was approached by an agent for the Property Brothers Show, regarding a house I had for sale. We agreed to let them shoot there for 2 days, foolishly thinking it might help with our marketing. The pay was ****, and they ****** off all the neighbours. They told the guy next door to stop washing his car. I told him he should have told them to F@$k Off. The whole thing was scripted and my house was merely a prop. They unplugged my fridge due to its noise. They left it that way and ruined a freezer full of food. They gave me gift cards as compensation. The subjects of the episode told my neighbours that they had already bought a new house. They were not looking for one. The whole thing was just a prop to round out their fake story line.
I fast forward thru Full Custom garage just to see the finished product.

The Squeeze and I like Grand Designs. It's real enough that not every home gets finished. And the host is always asking hard questions about money and time lines. The looks he responds with sometimes are priceless.
Still not sure why most people decide they need to a build a house 2x bigger than they need or generally can afford, but the show isn't called Adequate Designs I guess.
Still not sure why most people decide they need to a build a house 2x bigger than they need or generally can afford, but the show isn't called Adequate Designs I guess.
On that front, in much of Canada it is a self-perpetuating problem. When cottages were 40K they were shacks to get away from people. Now cottage lots are 250K+. If you build a small shack on it, when selling it will be a rough go as nobody wants to pay 500K for a shack. Put a huge dwelling on the lot for 800K and you can sell it for 1.5 quite easily. Spend more to make more and along the way you have use of a huge place. Similar issue with houses in gta as the land is worth so much people want to maximize the sq footage built on that land.

While I haven't seen grand designs in Canada, our principal residence exemption is another factor in size. You can make an unlimited investment in your principal residence and it grows tax free. That is stupid. We should long ago have delineated between residence and investment. There isn't a simple line but maybe something along the lines of up to the average price in the first letter of your postal code is dwelling and anything above that is investment? People buy principal residences for tens of millions and sell them within a few years with gains of well over 1M per year untaxed in any way.
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I gave up on mass-market-aimed reality shows on TV a long time ago.

Actual-reality youtubers that I watch (among others):
Taylor Mackenzie (ex British Superbike rider, team manager)
Jonathan Rea (posts inside looks at what goes on during race weekends)
Sylvain Guintoli (random track-day and racing stuff)
Niccolo Canepa (same)
Rusted Rides (locals who fix up old cars)
Destination Adventure (explores scenic, remote spots in Canada - really good production quality)
On that front, in much of Canada it is a self-perpetuating problem. When cottages were 40K they were shacks to get away from people. Now cottage lots are 250K+. If you build a small shack on it, when selling it will be a rough go as nobody wants to pay 500K for a shack. Put a huge dwelling on the lot for 800K and you can sell it for 1.5 quite easily. Spend more to make more and along the way you have use of a huge place. Similar issue with houses in gta as the land is worth so much people want to maximize the sq footage built on that land.

While I haven't seen grand designs in Canada, our principal residence exemption is another factor in size. You can make an unlimited investment in your principal residence and it grows tax free. That is stupid. We should long ago have delineated between residence and investment. There isn't a simple line but maybe something along the lines of up to the average price in the first letter of your postal code is dwelling and anything above that is investment? People buy principal residences for tens of millions and sell them within a few years with gains of well over 1M per year untaxed in any way.
Tax free principal residence is not that big of a deal - remember that jurisdictions that tax gains also allow owners to write off financing and maintenance costs on ALL residences, and let you rollover without triggering a CG payment.
That guy laid his bike down a few months ago and lost his leg from the wreck
I think he’s doesn’t understand the appeal difference between woman doing a solo adventure that most men would be afraid to take on and a moto camping hobo- something most guys do either ease and limited risk or discomfort.

I think Adri hinted at sex appeal being more than a major factor. I experienced that too. In my yootoob days, I was the only man in a 100% woman’s world - being unique in a crowd makes it easy to draw attention. I had thousands of customers, not a single male (that I know of). Tens of thousands of followers on various platforms - no men there either.
I like these guys. First lots of Aus travel and much humour. It's clear ( not just from here ) the G-310-GS is much improved over the 2017 ( first year ) I'm selling.
I read somewhere BWW is offering 3 year warranty and Roadside anywhere in North America. Seems they are serious about the model.
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How fitting that this showed up in my FB feed. I didn’t click on all of it…but most are expected.

Didn’t know how bad ‘Duck Dynasty’ was though…

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