Fake vs real (or mostly real) “Reality” TV/Youtubers


Ironus Butticus
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From the discussion in another thread. Discuss any reality shows or YouTubers you watched past or present. Which ones do you think are fake as hell, and why, and which ones do you think are mostly legit?

We’ve concluded in that other thread that Itchyboots is 99% legit, so let’s not revisit that lol.


Oak Island. WTF, soon there won’t be any island left and all they’ve found is rusty nails and pieces of wood.

Ice Pilots. Oldie but goodie. 90% legit real. Some stuff was sensationalized to add a little drama occasionally or fluff a story that might have been boring, but the actual flying stories and experiences and all, from my exposure to the world of aviation, all real.

Camping with Steve. 99% real. Salt of the earth type guy with a funny but sometimes dry sense of humour. Silly fun if you’re an outdoors / camper type of guy with a sense of humour.

Ice road truckers: 10% real at most. Sensationalized garbage, anyone in the industry will tell you most of the **** that they blow up into big things In that show never actually happen.

In Too Deep: 99% real. Just real life happening with a great attitude and sense of adventure. Gotta be a boat enthusiast to enjoy this one though. Start with the first episode of his new 70 footer from a few months back if you want to dive in where his latest adventure begins.

Lots of others I’ll come back to.
Let's face it... actual REALITY is pretty boring. We get REALITY 24hrs a day, 7 days a week commercial free (I WISH). Reality shows USED to be sitting on the front stoop watching the world go by.
I could do without "motorcycle" shows were they drag a bike out of the shed and spend 30 minutes getting it running... YEAH try that some time and let us know how that works out. Watching "craig" ruin old bikes gets old real quick.
Watching EXPERTS spout off, when they really know little on the subject gets old too
There are some that actually know something... but they are rare and far between. The end game is clicks, NOT informing the user.
And like politicians, "influencers" (or whatever you want to call them) should be required to disclose who paid them, who their sponsors are. (Rotella is NOT the best oil for your bike)
I stopped watching any reality tv years ago simply because it’s pretty much all scripted.

House Hunters was great until we realized the houses were pre-selected and the others were friends and family.

Gold Rush or whatever it was. They got the equipment free for use in the ‘hunt’ for gold.

Storage Wars had all the junk pre vetted with experts putting in something of value

Pawn Stars was fake as hell.

And YouTubers….i can’t stand 99% of them, and don’t have the time to go looking for that diamond in the rough in between work, kids, family, and everything else going on.
Influencers (pre youtube)

I can hear that gif in my head lol.

Storage Wars had all the junk pre vetted with experts putting in something of value

Pawn Stars was fake as hell.

Yeah, storage wars is staged as heck for sure. I laugh about the values they come up with for some of the trash they pull out of those units. “Oh look, a rusty old filing cabinet with one handle missing, well pfft, there’s $200!”
And YouTubers….i can’t stand 99% of them, and don’t have the time to go looking for that diamond in the rough in between work, kids, family, and everything else going on.
There are some really good ones. AVE, ThisOldTony, BigClive, NTSBgov (real as it gets), USCSB (like NTSB for industrial disasters). I can't stand most vloggers.
There are some really good ones. AVE, ThisOldTony, BigClive, NTSBgov (real as it gets), USCSB (like NTSB for industrial disasters). I can't stand most vloggers.
I’m sure there are plenty of good / decent / informative ones. I unfortunately do not have the time to research them all.
American pickers is scripted but, do enjoy some of their finds. Can do without the tease before commercial that ends up being most to the end of an episode.

YouTube, not looking for reality stuff. Watch The Straight Pipes and Hoovie’s Garage and Car Wizard fairly regular. Did a deep dive into The BMW Guy for more info on airhead BMWs.

That’s about it from a YouTube or reality TV perspective.

Oh! There is the pair of nut jobs in BC, Mike and Avery with Rust Restoration. Mindless fun but, I don’t seek out the other shows that are similar.

Edit: how can I forget Daily Rider with Zach! Da best!

Ryan can be hit or miss. None of which is reality tv
David Simieritsch's hiking channels are good. His videos of Vancouver Island and the Mainland on his silent hiking channel in particular are amazing. He also has 2 Canadian politics channels that are factual and straightforward.

Vice grip garage used to be one of the ones that I put on when I needed some mindless entertainment while doing guy stuff in the garage, but I have to admit that after this many years the recipe is getting old and tired.

“I found this 1938 Duesenhower sitting in a garage in Chickenscratch Wyoming, so I’m gonna do the right thing and get it running and drive it 34,000 miles home”’.

<something something lightning whirler, fuel making happener, lightning hoses, chargerwhirler, tires hold wind, 1 brake works, let’s go, music music music, we made er home>

Not really “reality TV” I guess, but yeah, anyways, thread drifting off topic already at my own hand lol
Anything where the subjects know that they’re being filmed is fake/staged.

That being said, I’d rather read a book than infect my eyes with most of that garbage. One YouTube I do watch is a guy teaching motorcycling, as it seems to offer some knowledge.

Les is as close as you can get to being real, but he was doing three trips moving his gear, which no one in the actual situation would do.
What was the name of the SpeedTV show with Michelle Smith? Now that was REAL tv
And Jesse James in Monster Garage. He made fun reality with stupid creations. Fake? Off course it was. But it had no pretense of being real.
Now, let’s discuss American Chopper / Orange County Choppers lol.

Some great memes came out of it but there’s no way it wasn’t 99% scripted.

Reality TV is mind numbing bollocks. I just use YouTube for how-to’s, user reviews and local content (adv rides in the area etc). I have no interest in making any no-talent idiots/influencers famous.
Now, let’s discuss American Chopper / Orange County Choppers lol.

Some great memes came out of it but there’s no way it wasn’t 99% scripted.

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I think i watched one episode of that. They built an abortion of a machine with a half gallon tank and a monster motor. Range of about 20km.Wankers.
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