Facial injury tips

Leave the glue alone, if it looks like it's doing well after a few days (ppl heal at different rates) then you can peel it off but only if it comes easily. If you've got medical coverage, I'd advise on Leo Fucidin ointment on it, several times a day. I have a barely visible scar on my right eyebrow and I applied it religiously. It'll help keep it clean and help heal.
the swelling will heal and make the left eye look normal again. The glue will fall off. you may not see he scar

I was a kid when I was playing hide and seek and I literally ran into a pole...WHAM!! 6 stitches under the eye and the next morning had a fight with my brother ..him jumping over my limp body...I didn't feel a thing due to me being on drugs and all..

any ways..yes it did heal...and your's will too...

stop worrying about it...if it bugs you this much then wear sunglasses or an eye patch
Chicks dig scars.

That is all.
Got more scrapes an scars then I can count, at work I use super glue to close them up. Works like a charm but burns like hell.
Or heck take a first aid class and sew it yourself and spare the 8hour waits at the ER.
Stop being a wuss, hospitals are for the dying not for little booboo's.
Fucidin for sure. Dr prescribed it when I hit a deer 2 years ago on my Bike. Also, get some sage tea, boil and make said tea, save the tea bags and let them cool off then put said tea bags on your eyebrow. No this isn't a tea bag joke, my Inlaws swear by it. I used it on my knee (and drank the tea as well), and it healed up quite nicely considering what it looked like.
Fucidin for sure. Dr prescribed it when I hit a deer 2 years ago on my Bike. Also, get some sage tea, boil and make said tea, save the tea bags and let them cool off then put said tea bags on your eyebrow. No this isn't a tea bag joke, my Inlaws swear by it. I used it on my knee (and drank the tea as well), and it healed up quite nicely considering what it looked like.

Ive hear of this as well.
dude, do something about those eyebrows, they're huge and out of control
OP is a Noel Gallagher look alike.

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