Facebook Question

being friends with your parents on fb is very awkward...
I'm just careful who I add. Anyone who I think will cause crap doesn't get added
I also don't put stuff up that I wouldn't want everyone to see.
My step sister unfriended me, her dad, brother, and a crap load of friends just before she got secretly married... Nobody had a clue!
After this post I had to double check that we're still facebook friends....was surprised to find that this was the case! lol

And yeah, I have one guy filtered out of my feed cause he continuously posts his bodybuilding "progress pics/vids" of himself on fb and statuses about how much of a badass and gangsta he is to the point where I want to punch him in the face

Its the quiet ones like Rockerguy you gotta worry about, I'm sure he's liking your oiled up photos all the time.
I unfriended Rob Ford and he called 911..

Dude, he's gonna swear at you!

After this post I had to double check that we're still facebook friends....was surprised to find that this was the case! lol

And yeah, I have one guy filtered out of my feed cause he continuously posts his bodybuilding "progress pics/vids" of himself on fb and statuses about how much of a badass and gangsta he is to the point where I want to punch him in the face

U just mad he's getting more ripped than u and gonna take your title next year
Its the quiet ones like Rockerguy you gotta worry about, I'm sure he's liking your oiled up photos all the time.

I heard that.
Is that a hint of jealousy I see?
U just mad he's getting more ripped than u and gonna take your title next year

I don't think he's be competing in a natural organization any time soon since he straight up told me he started juicing and tried convincing me that I should too. ANd number of contests he's placed top 3 in? Zero. The **** talking would be a little better received if he could actually back any of it up.
I unfriended one of my cousins a couple years ago because when he was in highschool I kept getting these mass messages that said things like, "VOTE FOR ME FOR STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND I'LL MAKE SURE WE HAVE NAKED CHICKS IN THE CAFETERIA LOLOLOLOL". I asked him to stop sending them and he replied with something like, "dats just how i r0ll y0 if u don lik it u can unfriend me". So I did. Although that cousin has always been an idiot. Think he dropped out later.

It doesn't notify anyone. Only way they'll find out is when the bar on the side keeps telling them to add you as a friend and then they'll be all like, "But I thought we already were *tear*"
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