Face with a Name

Here's me, the girls say I look like a Calvin Klein model but I don't really see the resemblance

I'm this guy
I've actually had people (dumb ones) ask me if this was my dad because we look alike...haha I wish he was my dad, I love the guy, on the other hand Wand isn't really known for his good looks...


On the bike...


With my nephew...he's a rider in the making.
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Goju Ryu.

Is there something different about 'Goju'? The 'ryu' part just means 'style' AFAIK.

Yes there is a difference, Goju is the original style consisting of 6 kata's, Goju Ryu is an extension and more practical. Both are still tought and the creed is still the same. I hope you still study and train?!
I like the way you guys cock your head back like that. I'd like to adopt that style for my next round of family photos. Do yous recommend it? Any tips, tricks greatly appreciated.

It helps with breathing
Yes there is a difference, Goju is the original style consisting of 6 kata's, Goju Ryu is an extension and more practical. Both are still tought and the creed is still the same. I hope you still study and train?!

Ah, thanks for clarifying! I stopped training not long after this photo. About a year and a half ago I walked back into the exact same Dojo and told them I came back to finish what I'd started. The instructor on the right is now the head instructor for the school.

Do you train too?
Might as well give you guys some eye Candy:

...I was talking about me
lololol just kidding

Also, if someone wants Jays tickets tonight, message me. I have 4 available if I don't decide to go. You can pick 'em up in Scarborough (if I don't end up going). They're 100 level, I think..so it'll be good even if you're late.
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after posing with all those girls, if you didn't get at least a handful of numbers and dates its a major fail...

You won't believe I have a class where there's only one other guy and 23 girls, but they're ALL fat and ugly, 2 are an ok weight, just not attractive to me... No bs, I can't believe my luck...

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