Eye in the sky

That got me even more curious. After digging around I found this: https://www.soloy.com/uploads/9/0/6/9/90692509/s2060a-wing-mount-camera-pohs.r2.uncontrolled.pdf

-Max airspeed limited to 140kts (small loss from 151-161kts)
-Flaps limited to 20 degrees (limited from 30-40)
-Requires aileron trim tabs to be installed
-(Edit) Oh and autopilot not permitted during IFR. I suppose that's not a terrible "problem" as your camera's not going to be much good during IFR anyway

Emergency procedures are not affected.
I assume the camera system comes with an stc. It probably affects a lot of things but those could be characterized and provided with stc. I assume this camera system costs well into six figures so some test pilot time to provide info wouldnt be impossible to budget for.

Now that I've read the link, it definitely comes with an stc.
Look out for this on long, straight somewhat barren stretches of road... Hwy 10 perhaps, Hwy 6 maybe.. 400 north of Barrie almost certainly.
Meanwhile the 401, 427, QEW will remain a lawless free for all where the speed limit is a myth.
Look out for this on long, straight somewhat barren stretches of road... Hwy 10 perhaps, Hwy 6 maybe.. 400 north of Barrie almost certainly.
Meanwhile the 401, 427, QEW will remain a lawless free for all where the speed limit is a myth.

Indeed. So endeth the lesson…

What a disgraceful gong show. All stakeholders, bad actors, and participants need to be sent to the Principals office for a good sound thrashing with the strap.
Look out for this on long, straight somewhat barren stretches of road... Hwy 10 perhaps, Hwy 6 maybe.. 400 north of Barrie almost certainly.
Meanwhile the 401, 427, QEW will remain a lawless free for all where the speed limit is a myth.
That's usually the case but they have been known to pop up in unusual spots probably because sarges mom was bitching about speeders near her cottage or such.
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