Every Thursday night - Lakeshore and Leslie???

I think it was a softail fatboy 2004.
So I know Harley would have to do some special ordering or they might not since the bike is a 2004 and they don't make the same colour.
The clutch lever was bent, the headlight housing was scratched and some other small things. The fender got it bad, huge paint chips, bent, and not sure of the struts/frame was bent too. Also it was air ride.
Keep in mind this is Harley.. and we all know how much Harley costs including aftermarket parts. I'm guessing about $1000-$2000 in damage.

Then there are other 2 sportbikes that dropped, I haven't asked around about that.

From what I heard the guy on the "red bike" revved, slipped the clutch, slid about 15 feet into the bikes.

Anyways, nice meeting you all. I was the guy with the grey/white plad shirt with the bent cap.
It was a victory that low sided into a harley which then fell into the zx10r. Both bikes sustained damage
I think it was a softail fatboy 2004.
So I know Harley would have to do some special ordering or they might not since the bike is a 2004 and they don't make the same colour.
The clutch lever was bent, the headlight housing was scratched and some other small things. The fender got it bad, huge paint chips, bent, and not sure of the struts/frame was bent too. Also it was air ride.
Keep in mind this is Harley.. and we all know how much Harley costs including aftermarket parts. I'm guessing about $1000-$2000 in damage.

Then there are other 2 sportbikes that dropped, I haven't asked around about that.

From what I heard the guy on the "red bike" revved, slipped the clutch, slid about 15 feet into the bikes.

Anyways, nice meeting you all. I was the guy with the grey/white plad shirt with the bent cap.
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I left at 9:45. I can't believe I missed that. Damn it!!!!!
Oh and for anyone who's bike got hurt......that really sucks.
Whos the guy that ended up paying the drunk yelling Oh Canada to stop talking? Next coffee is on me.

oh yeah! i think i saw you! I was the guy with the frosty!

I was the guy wearing a shirt.

I left at 9:45. I can't believe I missed that. Damn it!!!!!
Oh and for anyone who's bike got hurt......that really sucks.

S*** got real when I went to go check out what happened. The guys behind me were jacked and wanted to fight, were saying s*** like "You'lll see what happens when you try to **** with us"
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looks like i missed an interesting meetup, bah. crazy schedule.

rawr - does yoru bike eat oil? Mine started couple of days ago :(
S*** got real when I went to go check out what happened. The guys behind me were jacked and wanted to fight, were saying s*** like "You'lll see what happens when you try to **** with us"

I missed it! Went to go get popcorn and by the time I came back it was all over.
Whos the guy that ended up paying the drunk yelling Oh Canada to stop talking? Next coffee is on me.

I was the guy wearing a shirt.

You're always wearing a shirt :D...ok, ok from what i've seen that is...
Do you know who started saying that stuff, because from my recollection it wasn't as dramatic as it is being portrayed to be. In actuality the person who crashed did so in the team section of lnl and it was members of some of the teams who helped him, shut off his bike and picked it up. Unless it was the Harley owner I don't think any of them said anything like that.

Whos the guy that ended up paying the drunk yelling Oh Canada to stop talking? Next coffee is on me.

I was the guy wearing a shirt.

S*** got real when I went to go check out what happened. The guys behind me were jacked and wanted to fight, were saying s*** like "You'lll see what happens when you try to **** with us"
Im glad I didn't go with my luck my bike would have gotten taken out in this mess . . .
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