Every Thursday Group ride. Steels and finacial dr Mississauga

yup. We're like your local privatized public transit system: always on time...

Well, I read on the first page that 7:15 was the latest and I clearly posted that I was close the location today...

Anyhoo, I'll be there 6:59 next week.
ya, page 1 was a long time ago. We've all got busier since then. aint nobody got time for that. 6:59 ready to go, fueled up, bladder empty. wear all the safety gear. helps sometimes.
ya, page 1 was a long time ago. We've all got busier since then. aint nobody got time for that. 6:59 ready to go, fueled up, bladder empty. wear all the safety gear. helps sometimes.

We left at 7:05..hadn't checked the forum. Sorry. Honestly, 2 weeks ago, I was you. Late 10 minutes and no one in sight so I feel you.
[If you show up at 6:59. We will be pulling out onto Financial Dr.
I hope you will already have a full tank of gas. Ready to go.
How about showing up at 6:45 so we can talk and find out about your skill level. So we can adjust the ride accordingly.

QUOTE=El Cockblock;2316310]Well, I read on the first page that 7:15 was the latest and I clearly posted that I was close the location today...

Anyhoo, I'll be there 6:59 next week.[/QUOTE]
ya, page 1 was a long time ago. We've all got busier since then. aint nobody got time for that. 6:59 ready to go, fueled up, bladder empty. wear all the safety gear. helps sometimes.

Lol priceless
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[If you show up at 6:59. We will be pulling out onto Financial Dr.
I hope you will already have a full tank of gas. Ready to go.
How about showing up at 6:45 so we can talk and find out about your skill level. So we can adjust the ride accordingly.

I'll make the time then.
^ that was too cryptic to understand ...

Anyhow, this Thursday I have the time available, the question now is if the weather will co-operate.
Good evening please send meet up spot forum started long ago would like to come for a ride with some adventure...

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... Do you want the route too?

Up to 51% chances of thunderstorms... not huge but still there...
Will see if i still feel like going after i get home ;p
100 - 150 km depending. Weather is still too close to call.

edit: From the forecast weather radar (take it for what it's worth) the ugliness arrives around 9:30 PM. Unless that changes and it's raining at departure time, let's do the ride, but stay local.
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