Every Thursday Group ride. Steels and finacial dr Mississauga

Just got a new bike. nothing to do Thursday. If the weather holds. I'm there.
Im 90 percent in. might have to leave early tho so let's get the show on the road on time pls and thanks
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The forecast did change a bit. Looks like rain around 3:00.
If it's clear, we'll leave right at 7:00.
My thanks to lead scout Brian. I was a pack noobie and despite foul nonseasonal cold temperatures we managed to get a few moments of sun amongst the twisty roads...

Yobeebs, a quick look around this site reveals that you are a new rider. This ride is not oriented towards new riders.
One day I'll be able to play with the big boys! =]

I'll get some more riding under my belt and maybe join you guys one day...
There is another event on Thursday although I may be back in time for the ride.

My longtime friend and fellow roadracer, Jeff Waller, passed away on Sunday of cancer. His celebration of life is at Barnes Memorial Funeral Home, 5295 Thickson Rd. N. Whitby on Thursday (July 10) from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. There is a plan to have as many bikes as possible show up, and I'm going to be there.
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