Every Thursday Group ride. Steels and finacial dr Mississauga

damn i cant make it, held up with work, hope to join you guys another time. have a safe ride and hope the rain holds off for you.
is there anyway you can post up the route you guys take? this could give people the opportunity to join along if they are late. i sometimes may be late as my shop closes for 630pm... if perhaps a route map was provided myself and other late riders could join in ??
is there anyway you can post up the route you guys take? this could give people the opportunity to join along if they are late. i sometimes may be late as my shop closes for 630pm... if perhaps a route map was provided myself and other late riders could join in ??

Not going to happen for a number of reasons that have already been gone over in this thread - and given the number of pages, I don't fault you for not having read them all!

One reason is that the route intentionally varies from one week to the next. Another one is that I often make route decisions on the fly. Aside from having a little bit of variety, the main reason for no route maps?

"Hello, Policeman? I'm calling to complain about a group of motorcycles that pass by location X at time X every week, could you please send someone over here to make sure that each and every one of them is fully in compliance with the strictest possible interpretation of all applicable laws, regulations, and standards?"

This is intentionally a non-attention-getting keep-your-license ride ... but it's still better to not have to deal with "checkpoints".
Not going to happen for a number of reasons that have already been gone over in this thread - and given the number of pages, I don't fault you for not having read them all!

One reason is that the route intentionally varies from one week to the next. Another one is that I often make route decisions on the fly. Aside from having a little bit of variety, the main reason for no route maps?

"Hello, Policeman? I'm calling to complain about a group of motorcycles that pass by location X at time X every week, could you please send someone over here to make sure that each and every one of them is fully in compliance with the strictest possible interpretation of all applicable laws, regulations, and standards?"

This is intentionally a non-attention-getting keep-your-license ride ... but it's still better to not have to deal with "checkpoints".

OK. more than fair enough. thanks for clearing this up.
probably around 6:30 ppl start showing up and leaving 7 sharp and pretty much ride until sunset. Most ppl don't end up going to lnl. i used to go but I just get tired.
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