+1, may be in for this ride.
Maybe put this in the "Hamilton" thread, just in case?
Mourn why? For some it might turn into a celebration lord knows we can use another long weekend in september.Good to see you are coming out for a weekend ride for a change.See you there Josh and if anyone wants to meet up with me in oakville before and ride out to mud and 20 let me know
Got room for 1 more?
yea, ill meet you before we head out. is third line at 9 ok?
Where is king? He better be coming. Can't say he has to work. He is the only guy I've seen work and ride at the same time!
Yes I think he is coming I will make sure cause when he looks out his front window sunday morn he will see a tent pitched on his front lawn
only if you know the secret handshake.
Bla bla bla...lmao....prof, forget the babysitter, bring the kid, I will lend you a back pack to put him in. Bandit, 9:10 timmies at walkers line?
You don't need to meet him at Walkers line, he mentioned something about being at your house pitching a tent because he thinks your cute...or something like that.
I have seen him peeking in your windows as I have passed your house when walking my dog, I thought you knew he was there so I never called the cops.That was for the other king....I do not know this guy. Kinda creepy!
U coming out Atts?
I have seen him peeking in your windows as I have passed your house when walking my dog, I thought you knew he was there so I never called the cops.
I am headed north to wasaga/blue mountain instead tomorrow, I prefer to do niagara weeknights when there is less traffic.
I always thought that was a big smelly raccoon....next time you see him there...shot to kill. I will dig a hole in one of my gardens...they will never find him.
Going to be a nice day tomorrow, have a safe and fun ride.
Just an FYI for anyone that was planing on meeting at timmies at walker and dundas at 9:10 tomorrow, we moved it to the timmies on walkers and mainway just north of the QEW at the same time. Makes it easier to meet the chick aka bandit coming from jokeville
Hahahaha. Oh it's going to be a fun day lol. Hey king were you heading west bound on the qew Friday around 330. Rite around appleby?