EPA acknowledges that ethanol damages engines | Page 3 | GTAMotorcycle.com

EPA acknowledges that ethanol damages engines

i believe its when you mix ethanol and gas that's when you get tarnishing. E-100 which is pure ethanol does not. Its only the blend that causes problems.

I believe jc100 was referring to Shell's tarnished reputation rather than its fuel mixtures ;)
Just a quick note for anyone with a plastic tank (many 2008+ Ducatis etc.), ethanol is the cause of the swelling of the tank. Make sure you only put ethanol free gas in these tanks. I've also seen reports that putting ethanol-free gas in already-swollen tanks helps them regain their original size.
I'm not part of that interest group, I'm just regurgitating facts I read.

To add to that, when they were experimentiing with ethanol, they needed a good compromise between cleaner combustion & compatibility with gasoline engines. 10% I believe was that number. If you read your car/bike manual they don't recommend using greater than 15%(don't quote me on that) ethanol.

Some people preach such hate for ethanol, but there was a reason it was mandated in most gas. Personally I prefer no ethanol, because of more energy for the same liter of fuel

It's not that simple. The US had two problems, glut of inedible corn due to high subsidies, and dependence of foreign oil. Newt Gingrich and the corn/ethanol lobby pushed for E10 to reduce the need for foreign oil by 10% in the US car fleet, with data showing ethanol burns cleaner. They could have pushed for higher fuel efficiency legislation.
The problem is less power comes from E10, which means you burn more fuel, 90% of which is not ethanol. It's false economy, and practically no cleaner, and frankly nothing but the actions of a corrupt lobby.
The only reason why E10 was chosen is because older cars could not handle E15.
At home, my mower and trimmer won't even run properly on E10.
If the US really cared about emissions, they would have insisted on more diesel engine cars with urea injection.
You know its spring when the ol' ethanol vs no ethanol gas argument thread comes up.

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