California has >50% of its population vaccinated with at least one jab. (Good job!)
A friend was doing a work placement in Halton to finish up a diploma. She posted this today:
"This week I was walked out of my work placement (required for graduation) for getting my vaccine. I had spent hours and hours (months really) pouring through medical journals to ensure I knew every possible risk of getting the vaccine and the employer cited “new evidence” on the internet showing I was a risk to them"
Wow. The employer really believed that the health risk of having a vaccinated person "shedding" in the office exceeded the legal/financial risk of walking her out? I would think that the vaccine was an excuse but this was her last week anyway so there was no benefit to them to get her out this way.
She talked to the school. They are on her side and she is allowed to graduate. She has been emotionally beaten down but didn't suffer financial harm so based on similar situations I have heard of in the past, she doesn't have an employment law case. If she suffered financial harm and could prove it was a result of the action she could sue and win.Better call Saul.
Going to uni and starting off dumber than a fifth grader must be a challenge. My friends six-year-old warns them of social distancing.I wonder how complicit Kingston Public health and Queens is in spreading COVID? I have a few nieces and nephews that attend Queens as freshmen. Not wanting to miss the res revenue, Queens allowed kids who wanted the res experience (18 and away from mom and dad, sex, drugs, booze etc) to do their studies online while staying in res.
The kids tell me plenty of kids contracted COVID in res then after diagnoses headed home to recover. I have 2 nieces that did this. It appears they were free to gather both inside the university and outside.
Queens is connected to approx 25% of all Covid cases Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox, and Addington regions. I have ot imagine the numbers are much larger than that - my niece said she knows of 11 classmates that took Covid to homes outside KFLA 2 weeks ago (including her).
Are all University’s doing this?
Discount rate for no cleaning, utilities or facilities?My daughter in western asked to keep her room in the rental property, We still pay for it as she is hoping one day to be able to return.
I don't know how many others are still paying for residents and not being occupied by the students
I wish,Discount rate for no cleaning, utilities or facilities?
She talked to the school. They are on her side and she is allowed to graduate. She has been emotionally beaten down but didn't suffer financial harm so based on similar situations I have heard of in the past, she doesn't have an employment law case. If she suffered financial harm and could prove it was a result of the action she could sue and win.
CDC says its possible to shed virus after live attenuated flu vaccine so not totally made up or fake theory ...A friend was doing a work placement in Halton to finish up a diploma. She posted this today:
"This week I was walked out of my work placement (required for graduation) for getting my vaccine. I had spent hours and hours (months really) pouring through medical journals to ensure I knew every possible risk of getting the vaccine and the employer cited “new evidence” on the internet showing I was a risk to them"
Wow. The employer really believed that the health risk of having a vaccinated person "shedding" in the office exceeded the legal/financial risk of walking her out? I would think that the vaccine was an excuse but this was her last week anyway so there was no benefit to them to get her out this way.
Flu vaccine has virus in it. Covid vaccine does not. You would shed just as much covid after a flu shot (ie absolutely zero).CDC says its possible to shed virus after flu vaccine so not totally made up or fake theory ...
Safety of Influenza Vaccines
Shedding of the live attenuated vaccine virus is common after receipt of LAIV. In general, shedding is more common among younger recipients, among whom it may also be of longer duration. Among 345 LAIV3 recipients aged 5–49 years for whom shedding was assessed by viral culture of nasal swabs, 29% had detectable virus in nasal secretions. Prevalence of shedding was inversely related to age, and maximal shedding occurred within 2 days of vaccination. The symptoms most frequently reported after vaccination (runny nose, headache, and sore throat) did not correlate with the presence of shedding (522). In a study of 200 children aged 6 through 59 months, shedding of at least one vaccine virus was detected in 79% of children overall, and was more common among younger children (89% of 6- through 23-month-olds as compared with 69% of 24- through 59-month-olds) (523). Shedding had stopped in most cases by 11 days post vaccination. Vaccine virus was detected from nasal secretions in one (2%) of 57 HIV-infected adults who received LAIV3 compared with none of 54 HIV-negative participants (524), and in three (13%) of 24 HIV-infected children compared with seven (28%) of 25 children who were not HIV-infected (525).
MRNA doesn’t but I think some other Covid vaccines do have the virus in them..Flu vaccine has virus in it. Covid vaccine does not. You would shed just as much covid after a flu shot (ie absolutely zero).
Hmmm yeah, that was my first thought.Flu vaccine has virus in it. Covid vaccine does not. You would shed just as much covid after a flu shot (ie absolutely zero).
So it has an empty envelope. If you send me an envelope that used to contain a big cheque, I cant buy toys with that.MRNA doesn’t but I think some other Covid vaccines do have the virus in them..
Vector vaccines contain a modified version of a different virus than the one that causes COVID-19. Inside the shell of the modified virus, there is material from the virus that causes COVID-19. This is called a “viral vector.”
No astra Zeneca on the list ..I Think it has a modified virus in itSo it has an empty envelope. If you send me an envelope that used to contain a big cheque, I cant buy toys with that.
Can a COVID-19 vaccine make me sick with COVID-19?
illustration of person coughing without covering their mouth
No. None of the authorized and recommended COVID-19 vaccines or COVID-19 vaccines currently in development in the United States contain the live virus that causes COVID-19.
The job of the corporate food industry is to get people to buy more product. They spend billions on psychology to get people to eat more. Therefore people get fat. How much do we spend contradicting the brain washing of the food industry?what should have been done all along . Expand capacity , get people to lose weight and get healthy, stop smoking. Etc . and accept **** happens and people die . Don’t compromise all of societys mental and physical health for a few. Once again we are killing and damaging way more people around the world with lockdowns than the virus is . starvation ,suicide, , depression , abuse , overdoses are killing many many more but that doesn’t seem to matter.
right now there are way more people in hospital and ICU for reasons other than covid.
‘Are we about saving lives or just saving ones that get Covid?
The job of the corporate food industry is to get people to buy more product. They spend billions on psychology to get people to eat more. Therefore people get fat. How much do we spend contradicting the brain washing of the food industry?
The corporate food industry wins. They have to appease the shareholders with profit and profit doesn't come from telling someone "You shouldn't have fries with that." If the profits drop the share values drop. There go the pension plans and freedom 55.
I do believe that being overweight is a factor in just about every disease and the ability to recover.
However crash diets are counter productive. Your body adjusts to the lower caloric intake and never springs back.
We have developed vaccines faster than people can safely lose weight so it's the way to go.
Why are so many people substance abusers?
Could it be the media in partnership with the fashion industry that has fat shamed, height shamed, skin colour shamed, smile shamed, nose shape shamed, boob size shamed and hair colour shamed people so much that they are unhappy with themselves?
Unhappy people are easier to sell to. Buy our stuff and people will like you. See the pretty people in the picture?
You could be like them.
Of course everyone is expected to be mated with a ten, babe or hunk, even if they're only a seven themselves.
Do drugs take away the loneliness?
How many people have family dinners together every Sunday?
Mom works, kids flip burgers, dad does reports. Where's the family support?
Please tell me how to fix any of the above without destroying the economy?
Read up on Oxycontin and the disasters the honest professionals foresaw.
We need anti brain washing taught at home but a family not too far away has two uni aged daughters that are double chin overweight. The parents look like overstuffed pillows as well and both parents are well educated, one in the medical field. They should know.
You fail to mention stress as a cause. Obesity may be the dagger that kills you but it's stress that drives it between your ribs.
Did you read the words "Brain washing"? Read psychology. It isn't simple.sure you can blame the media and advertising or you can put down the food and move more . Not everyone can be a 10 or happy all the time but that doesn’t mean the opposite is being an unhealthy blob.
Advertising is now embracing and encouraging the “ all body types are healthy “myth ,the pendulum has swung the other way too far. That’s why you won’t hear our government telling people to get healthy as it’s now shaming .....well I would rather be shamed than be fat and dead
Did you read the words "Brain washing"? Read psychology. It isn't simple.
Why don't battered spouses just leave?
Why did the Jonestown masses drink the Koolaid?
I may start trusting advertising if they accompany the picture of the hot new car with an age enhanced picture of it forwarding 20 years. Ripped upholstery, bald tires, rusted metal. This is what your pride and joy will look like in 20 years.
The next step would be all those acceptable body types in 20 years if they spent the 20 years eating cheeseburgers. A 40 something balding guy built like a blimp, eating a pill omelette for breakfast.