They say if you pound your head against the wall long enough your ears will pop out
I haven't seen any good vaccine tracking. The covidiots will just present fake certificates if they want to cruise.Most cruises will be a covidiot free zone....
A Royal Caribbean-owned cruise line just announced a vaccine requirement. These are all the cruise lines that will require COVID-19 vaccinations for guests and crew.
Over the last month, several cruise lines have started requiring crew members or guests to receive the COVID-19 vaccine prior to
I can see a brand opportunity here for a redneck cruise vaccinations necessary and the ship will only dock in Florida as that’s the only place that will have them.
I haven't seen any good vaccine tracking. The covidiots will just present fake certificates if they want to cruise.
Governments so far have refused to implement any real repercussions. They just posture and hand out token fines. I don't see them growing stones any time soon.Easy...just make that a criminal offense, same as a fraudulent credit card or drivers licence. Start to hand out some real world consequences of not being a good citizen.
Can't wait for all the "but my freedom" types to realise that this works both ways....the vast majority of good citizens want the freedom of not being exposed to potentially disease bearing dumbasses.
Governments so far have refused to implement any real repercussions. They just posture and hand out token fines. I don't see them growing stones any time soon.
The schools in Peel are shut . But Square One and Sherway are open . I was going some parking lot training at Sherway this weekend . It was packed . They keep changing the goal line and the rules . People are turning on each other instead of blaming the government . A former GSK Ceo Paul Lucas said straight out there is no scientific basis for the 4 month break between vaccinations . There is no scientific data for 4 month delay . Yet people getting ****** at non mask wearers not the incompetent leaders .Ha I was listen to the radio in the car this morning. They were playing a game called is it "Malice" or "Incompetence" reguarding the gov choices on rules, the game alone tells you the general public doesn't agree with the rules and how some or alot of it doesn't makes any sense. Also rules seem to favour one group over others. I don't want to get trangled up in any conspericy theories either, but after a year of dealing with this it's hard to make any sense of it.
They sure are...It's been beautiful the past two days....laying on a lounger in my back yard sipping on a cold beer listening to music. Ended up with a sunburn. Popped inside to cook fresh homemade pasta with homemade mushroom sauce. Lockdown's r easy.
When the Freedomites end up in jail, another potential virus hotbed, they will demand their rights to top line treatment if they come down with the disease. Because they would be considered wards of the state they would probably be pushed to the front of the line.Easy...just make that a criminal offense, same as a fraudulent credit card or drivers licence. Start to hand out some real world consequences of not being a good citizen.
Can't wait for all the "but my freedom" types to realise that this works both ways....the vast majority of good citizens want the freedom of not being exposed to potentially disease bearing dumbasses.
Because the license is considered a right, while it’s a privilege.funny how people lose their *****over a vaccine passport like it's a Hitler Holocaust tattoo but have no problem needing a drivers license
Not sure if i am crossing a line here or not. Peel region and Mississauga are obviously big problems with the spread of infection. "Lockdowns" haven't done very much.
Some of the neighborhoods in those two regions are very racialized. I haven't seen any numbers pointing to one community versus another, but I'm sure it exists. Is it politically incorrect to even look at the numbers relative to ethnicity? Are there language or cultural barriers that need to be dealt with to lessen the spread?
The Waterloo student community has been a problem with things other than Covid, and overcrowding is usually the problem.
Thoughts? Solutions?
Watch some YouTube videos of heavy vehicle repairs Back home. Guys working in foundries wearing sandals. The ship breakers of Asia, Torching apart obsolete tankers without a shred of PPE.
I get my first jab next weekend and I resent the the microchip that will be tracking me. If you want to discuss it email me or better still text me on my cell phone because I'll be out shopping with my credit card in a store with security cameras.funny how people lose their *****over a vaccine passport like it's a Hitler Holocaust tattoo but have no problem needing a drivers license
I grew up in a single family household and my mother did clerical work so we were poor. However I always had a roof over my head and never went to bed hungry or afraid. We had clean running water and decent schools.Some of us grew up dirt poor and worked our azz off to get what we have today, So some of us do know what it was like to have nothing