electrical weirdness

Some times it helps to take a step back and think about the problem.
It would be strange for the positive side of the various/multiple lights to go out at once. They are powered by separate sensors/switches.
So what do they have in common?
I'd be looking for a ground fault close to the cluster.
Had something similar in the past. Turned out the plates in the battery were "shorting" when heated up enough to expand and make contact. Once things cooled down, bike would start. Only didn't start when things were hot.
So I just checked the fuses in the fuse box, they all seem to be good, I sprayed some contact cleaner in key tumbler...

I also noticed the connection to the battery was a bit lose, as the hardware was a random assortment of bolts/screws that werent/cant be torqued all the down, plus the battery tender cables were also attached

I wonder if this could cause the problem?

I have a hardware kit coming in hopefully that will help
I also noticed the connection to the battery was a bit lose, as the hardware was a random assortment of bolts/screws that werent/cant be torqued all the down, plus the battery tender cables were also attached

I wonder if this could cause the problem?

Tested the bike out a bunch of times, the issue seems to have gone away after I tightened the battery connections with proper hardware from the kit and they arent loose anymore also reconnected the dash connectors

No fault of the bike it seems, just human error(previous owner or me)
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or corrosion at the connection. Meter test will find it and verify if you have it perfect,
you need to put the meter on a very sensitive setting.
A sensitive meter setting is the one where you can get a reading for the resistance to the skin on your finger.
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