electical draw

you're thinking way too much about it... just click the link I posted above and follow the instructions.
Just get a fog light relay kit from Canadian tire. I think they even come with instructions on what pin does what.
im using that same relay splash. exact same.

but my only hesitation, is can i just use the existing 12v that goes to the junction box and already has a 10amp fuse ... why bother re - wiring with an inline 10amp fuse, etc..

may as well use the stock wires if i can. they seem beefy enough
Might want to look up ohm's law here. Although Splash's writeup is good, your numbers are likely to be different. And I would say you're not "over thinking it". Unless you want to be the next Ghost Rider?
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im using that same relay splash. exact same.

but my only hesitation, is can i just use the existing 12v that goes to the junction box and already has a 10amp fuse ... why bother re - wiring with an inline 10amp fuse, etc..

may as well use the stock wires if i can. they seem beefy enough

No you shouldn't use the existing 12v coming from the junction box. That's the reason you are using a relay. The wire coming from the junction box or the horn switch is not rated to run the power the new horn demands. That's the reason people recommend using a relay.

When you use a relay you are sucking power directly from the battery bypassing the horn switch. The relay pass through up to 40amps. This way you can run a few horns. Just connect the second horn to post 87 and ground it the same way. Also make sure to use at lease a 14 gauge wire from the battery and ground.

Here's a quick diagram on how to wire it.


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I too, installed dual FIAMM Freeway Blasters. I kept the OEM horn, then spliced this lead from the original horn to the trigger for the relay, which then powers the dual FIAMM horns. They are quite dissonant and loud. Any automotive relay will be Ok, irregardless of bike.

As for ground, find ground anywhere. The original horn must have been grounded. Use the same one. Your 12v power supply to the relay should be direct to the battery, with a fuse. Any other wire that goes through and splits off to power other items will not have full amperage to run your horns, and they might not be as loud as possible.

Here is my favourite relay photo:

gotta say thanks for all the reply's.

with this and riderforums help the relay install was a breeze.

looking back it was extremely simple...running the wire was the hardest part.

this could have easily taken 20 minutes if you knew what you were doing.

i did the fiamm's...not enough for me.

the stebel was same price as 2 freeway blasters...glad i went stebel. its ridic
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