I waited until winter before sending my ecu over to california.In the case of my bike they had many programs to choose from in regards to what was done to my bike.Would never go back to power commanders and Bazzaz units again(unless I was racing the bike or wanted 100% perfection).I had them delete the O2 sensor,delete the pair valve,delete the exhaust valve motor,lower the temp that the cooling fans come on, replace ignition curves,lowered RPM limiter slightly,disable deceleration fuel cut and of course optimize fuel curves.They just need to know what air filter you are using,exhaust you are using and type of riding (street-track) from what I remember.From what I understand the ecu flash in my case gets me around to around 90% of "perfection",Good enough for me and no wiring work needed,no dyno tuning plus the extras (in my case) of the things that the PC/Bazzaz cant do.Looks like Danos Performance does ecu flashes for your bike as well.