E bikes rampaging Toronto streets

Have you seen those gas powered assisted bicycles? I guess you live under a rock.

Motorized bicycle
Of course I've seen them. That one could probably be registered as a moped as it is from before 1988 (IIRC). Well, maybe that one is a modern interpretation of a classic moped, but cops would probably let that go as proving that one way or the other won't be easy.
Of course I've seen them. That one could probably be registered as a moped as it is from before 1988 (IIRC). Well, maybe that one is a modern interpretation of a classic moped, but cops would probably let that go as proving that one way or the other won't be easy.
Learn something new everyday.
Of course I've seen them. That one could probably be registered as a moped as it is from before 1988 (IIRC). Well, maybe that one is a modern interpretation of a classic moped, but cops would probably let that go as proving that one way or the other won't be easy.

what do you think about this?Im very sure that 50cc pocket bikes are allowed to ride in Canada. correct me if I’m wrong.

Edit: they might be allowed but might not be legal on public roads like you said in an earlier post.
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22 cops might pass by a 50cc?? engine conversion and take no notice/ care/ not on thier 'radar'. Then 1 pulls you over and you have a driving with no plate, insurance on a home made whatever. I really like the idea of being almost cost free to operate but to a point.
Because the law does allow gas powered “ebikes” that have a 50cc motor on it and doesn’t need to be insured.

A gas powered bicycle is no longer an "E-Bike" because it's not using any "E". It's a power assisted bicycle, and even then, it's an extremely grey area as under federal law (which trumps provincial law) it's clearly stipulated "The Criminal Code of Canada defines a "motor vehicle" as follows: "motor vehicle" means a vehicle that is drawn, propelled or driven by any means other than muscular power, but does not include railway equipment". Therein lays the grey area where charges can be laid at the federal level even if you are trying to fly under the radar using the power assisted bicycle defence at the provincial level.

It's the same difference that means people can operate an ebike drunk under provincial law (the HTA doesn't consider an eBike a "motor vehicle" but can and will still be nailed for DUI at the federal level criminal code...which DOES consider an eBike a "motor vehicle", as per above. You can still operate an ebike with a suspended drivers licence under the HTA, but if you have a federal criminal code suspension, you cannot.

Again, grey areas. Most people don't know when they're in them, many don't care. Some find out the hard way.

And yes, it needs to have a 50cc or smaller engine and the rider MUST be pedalling at all times the engine is running otherwise it's instantly considered a LSM or Moped at which point you're ripe for a big ticket. Some consider this a grey area, but it's really not...the law is clear in that regard. But again, people don't know, or don't care. Some find out the hard way.

I have a buddy who got nailed for simply strapping a 50cc onto his bicycle and then never pedalling again - he got caught. The charges stuck under the "he never pedalled" thing that basically made his bicycle a LSM. The cop followed from some distance for a few KM and not only observed he never pedalled, but he also got nailed for 80K in a 50K zone as the cherry on top. >$10,000 in fines.

however you can still get insurance on ebikes. This is a big loop hole in the system.

Not traditional automotive insurance, but yes, there are a handful of companies out there that are providing basic liability coverage.

all or most ebikes have 3 speed modes on it. 1 eco, 2 hills, 3 sport. Something along those lines.

Modes ≠ gears.

All the mode button does on an Ebike is electronically limit the acceleration curve, maximum power output, or throttle mapping.

Zero motorcycles are basically street legal ebikes that can do all the same as motorcycle speed and Range. Just cost a lot.

A zero is not a "Glorified Ebike". An Ebike is a glorified bicycle and most are built to laughable standards, many of which barely even meet minimum braking standards, much less anything else.

A zero (or anything similar, there are a few electric MC manufacturers now) is a motorcycle that just happens to be electrically powered and adheres to all the standards required for it to be fully street legal, licensable, and insurable as a motor vehicle under provincial and federal law.
Today was my day to be rampaged. I was downtown on Yonge Street at noon, sidewalks crowded and an ebike was trying to ride along the sidewalk. As we know any bike at low speed is less stable but the crowd meant the rider couldn't go fast while maneuvering around the people. I guess the politicians are going wait until someone gets killed before they do anything. A 250 pound bike plus a similar weight rider can do serious damage
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