Dyno Tune worth it?


Well-known member
Hi guys!
I just purchased a 2009 Zx6r with 20,000kms. The bike came with a M4 GP slip on and Power Commander V. I have read that the maps you download from the PC website work quite well, but I would like to dyno the bike to maximize performance. I have gotten my subarus dyno'd and then put the map on the Cobb Accesport, (similar concept to PC, but flashes the ECU) but don't know too much about the whole bike tuning scene yet.
Do you think its unnecessary to get the bike dyno'd with just a slip on , or is it a good idea? If you do think its a good idea, where do you recommend getting it tuned? The only shops I am aware of are Champion Cycle and Riders Choice. Any other recommendations? I live in Halton.
Im no expert but, consider changing the gearing instead?

Cheaper, and more effective.
If you really want maximum performance its a way to go. Since its had some add ons, you'll at least have a base line of where you are. Its a 10yr old engine, I'd spend the money to see whats its doing.

I wouldn't play with the gearing unless you know where the power curve sits and what result the gear change will produce.
I'm sure you know about Neetronics for your Subie who are great, but for bike dyno work Pro 6 is a great choice.
You're probably OK with just a slip on but if you have a PCV installed, might as well take full advantage and dyno tune it. Rider's Choice dyno'ed my bike and the throttle response/power delivery was crisp after the tune. I remember thinking why the f didn't I do this sooner. Worth it fo shooo...
Im no expert but, consider changing the gearing instead?

Cheaper, and more effective.

more effective at what? if the fuel map is off, its still going to be off when you change the gearing.....please avoid giving people advice about things you know nothing about.

OP - is there an issue with the bike? running lean? rich? flat spots? if yes take it to get tuned, if no I'd still take it to get tuned considering you already have the PCV.
I believe Pro 6 also has a dyno
Hi guys!
I just purchased a 2009 Zx6r with 20,000kms. The bike came with a M4 GP slip on and Power Commander V. I have read that the maps you download from the PC website work quite well, but I would like to dyno the bike to maximize performance. ..........

Based on what you have, if a Dyno is not done, your not getting the max out of the bike, period......

100% with that specific exhaust on that specific bike, Ive had about 3 people come to me in the past with the exact same exhaust on the same bike complaining of a loss of low end power and a big flat spot on acceleration from a stop or low rpm....Some had a generic map installed from the internet, some had nothing, but all pretty much under performed. That specific slipon removes the CAT, so it changes the A/F ratio a lot more then other slip on's that retain the CAT. So because of that they really do need a proper dyno tune in most cases

I even made a deal with one guy, I had another brand of slipon exhaust lying around that did not remove the cat. I told him let me install the CAT back on and the other exhaust, take a rip around the block and tell me what you think. He came back 2 min later, and simply said how much, and didnt even want the M4 back....He let me keep it he was just happy to get this bike running smooth again, he was not really interested in buying power commanders and getting dyno tunes etc

just to be clear this is the one I am speaking of
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100% with that specific exhaust on that specific bike, Ive had about 3 people come to me in the past with the exact same exhaust on the same bike complaining of a loss of low end power and a big flat spot on acceleration from a stop or low rpm....Some had a generic map installed from the internet, some had nothing, but all pretty much under performed. That specific slipon removes the CAT, so it changes the A/F ratio a lot more then other slip on's that retain the CAT. So because of that they really do need a proper dyno tune in most cases

I even made a deal with one guy, I had another brand of slipon exhaust lying around that did not remove the cat. I told him let me install the CAT back on and the other exhaust, take a rip around the block and tell me what you think. He came back 2 min later, and simply said how much, and didnt even want the M4 back....He let me keep it he was just happy to get this bike running smooth again, he was not really interested in buying power commanders and getting dyno tunes etc

just to be clear this is the one I am speaking of

good point here.
im running full exhaust on my 600rr (arrow headers, akra mid pipe and can...no cat, no servo) and honestly tuning it did a lot.
i didnt do the dyno, i have a bazzaz Z-Fi and was running a Z-AFM tuner, took a map that was off the internet of a 09 with full akra then did a lot of tweaking to it till it worked right.
my bike is super smooth, no flat spot and just runs great and pulls hard!
needs a tune up this year though..

with that being said...if i were to do it again i would just have a slip on and leave the cat and servo with a stock tune as long as it was smooth...the only time my bike ever failed me was when my power wire disconnected and the bazzaz dropped the fuel map.

Johnny- if you have any old clutch perches and levers kicking around can you let me know, im looking for one for a cb750 build.. doesnt have to be mint, just working. i think i have stock kawi levers off a 03 or a 06 636.
im using a master cyl off a 03 636 that was abandoned at my shop.
im also looking for a ez pull one thats used if you have a good one kicking around.

and any chance to you know a engine rebuilder? im getting oil into the exhaust from cyl 1 and into the carb.
good point here.
im running full exhaust on my 600rr (arrow headers, akra mid pipe and can...no cat, no servo) and honestly tuning it did a lot.
i didnt do the dyno, i have a bazzaz Z-Fi and was running a Z-AFM tuner, took a map that was off the internet of a 09 with full akra then did a lot of tweaking to it till it worked right.
my bike is super smooth, no flat spot and just runs great and pulls hard!
needs a tune up this year though..

with that being said...if i were to do it again i would just have a slip on and leave the cat and servo with a stock tune as long as it was smooth...the only time my bike ever failed me was when my power wire disconnected and the bazzaz dropped the fuel map.

Johnny- if you have any old clutch perches and levers kicking around can you let me know, im looking for one for a cb750 build.. doesnt have to be mint, just working. i think i have stock kawi levers off a 03 or a 06 636.
im using a master cyl off a 03 636 that was abandoned at my shop.
im also looking for a ez pull one thats used if you have a good one kicking around.

and any chance to you know a engine rebuilder? im getting oil into the exhaust from cyl 1 and into the carb.

Sometimes you can get lucky with a map off the internet, but you have to keep in mind that if the person that made that map lives in California, Europe, other parts of the world etc, its probably not going to work for you as good as it does for them without some adjustments. Different parts of the world have different climate, elevation, humidity, etc, even their fuel can be different. Which can all affect your mapping. They can be better then nothing, but nothing beats a custom dyno tune, on your bike where you live. I sent a bike to Jamaica that ran perfect here, but ran like **** there...

Clutch perches I have 2013 zx6R complete with lever off brand new bike never used, PM me so we don't flood this thread with unrelated
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I am most likely going to get a tune on the bike in early spring! The previous owner (and only owner) of the bike said he was not sure if a map was put on the Power Commander or not because he got a shop to install it for him. I would imaging that whoever installed the PC for him would be smart enough to get the map for the M4 set up and throw it on the PC (but you never know, I have seen many lazy mechanics that wouldn't bother). I'm not getting the bike till this Saturday. The current owner is going out of his way and renting a uhaul trailer to safety the bike for me and deliver it, so I can immediately register the bike, rather than wait till spring and do all that myself. I will take another peep at the exhaust when I get is because this video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfMQnIFs9Ug shows that the Cat hasn't been deleted from the exhaust. I assume there are 2 types of slip ons, the street slayer (deletes cat) and regular slip on (cat is still present).
Thanks for all of the recommendations guys :)
Just out of curiosity, how much does a custom dyno tune typically cost assuming you already have the PC etc installed?
Just out of curiosity, how much does a custom dyno tune typically cost assuming you already have the PC etc installed?

$300~ or so?

Somebody else confirm;, it's been a long time.
Sometimes you can get lucky with a map off the internet, but you have to keep in mind that if the person that made that map lives in California, Europe, other parts of the world etc, its probably not going to work for you as good as it does for them without some adjustments. Different parts of the world have different climate, elevation, humidity, etc, even their fuel can be different. Which can all affect your mapping. They can be better then nothing, but nothing beats a custom dyno tune, on your bike where you live. I sent a bike to Jamaica that ran perfect here, but ran like **** there...

Clutch perches I have 2013 zx6R complete with lever off brand new bike never used, PM me so we don't flood this thread with unrelated
oh absolutely, i just used it as a base to tune off. i was having issues with the fuel map being completely out of wack when i would start with a zero map.
Download the dynojet software. Older style phone charger cords will fit the PCV to link to your laptop so you can see what map is there. Get the custom tune done. And any decent dyno shop will have you wait until the weather is warm and with some humidity in the air before tuning as that is the conditions you will mostly ride in.
I am most likely going to get a tune on the bike in early spring! The previous owner (and only owner) of the bike said he was not sure if a map was put on the Power Commander or not because he got a shop to install it for him. I would imaging that whoever installed the PC for him would be smart enough to get the map for the M4 set up and throw it on the PC (but you never know, I have seen many lazy mechanics that wouldn't bother). I'm not getting the bike till this Saturday. The current owner is going out of his way and renting a uhaul trailer to safety the bike for me and deliver it, so I can immediately register the bike, rather than wait till spring and do all that myself. I will take another peep at the exhaust when I get is because this video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfMQnIFs9Ug shows that the Cat hasn't been deleted from the exhaust. I assume there are 2 types of slip ons, the street slayer (deletes cat) and regular slip on (cat is still present).
Thanks for all of the recommendations guys :)

The cat has been removed in that video, its huge you will know right away if its been removed or not because its a huge metal box in front of your rear wheel that sits between your exhaust headers and your slipon, and they weigh like 5-10 lbs. M4 Street slayer and GP mount both require removal of it, M4 does not make any slipons that retain the cat on the 09+ ZX6R , so it would be pretty strange if you have an M4 made for that bike that does retain it.....



dont confuse that big cat with the little one that remains in the lump in the exhaust header, 2 different things....
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Just out of curiosity, how much does a custom dyno tune typically cost assuming you already have the PC etc installed?
I paid $250 @ Rider's Choice. Granted, they probably did a bunch of bikes that have a similar set up as mine so they had a base map to work with. They also only do Bazzaz, no PC.
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