DRZ400 vs Wr250R

I meant for highway. One guy says DRZ with more power is better for the highway. Next guy says WR is better due to the 6th gear.

250 needs to spin more to make enough power to move at hwy speed, but has taller 6's gear, 400 needs lower RPM to make the same power, but has only shorter 5th gear .... sounds like a wash. DRZ will give you more passing freedom, that's a fact, 250 going at 120 will not have much left.

Again, someone will say I am OK to go 100km/h and be the slowest guy in the right lane ... sure. As I said, it all depends ...
Damn! So much good information. I'm going to be buying in the next few weeks, so I'll keep everyone posted and share some pics when I get the bike.
Damn! So much good information. I'm going to be buying in the next few weeks, so I'll keep everyone posted and share some pics when I get the bike.
Sweet. I love new (used) bike pics.

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Pretty good deal here. Sumo and dirt setup.

Please view this ad:

2007 Suzuki Drz400sm,

Price: $*4,500

Download the application from the Google Play Store.

Sent from my SM-A500W using Tapatalk

That's a pretty good deal. If I had less kids and more time I'd consider buying it to fix and tune. If that's a Thumper talk FCR and not just another bikes carb it would be well worth it. FCR can cost like 800-1000 new now.
Owned two 2007 drz400sm's and now a 2010 wr250x. I too heard every highway/commuting debate. Before I begin the drz's has full pipe 3x3 and rejet and the wr250x has pipe/AIS removed/flapper mod and programmer.

My opinion after riding them back to back:
-People praising the 6th gear on the wrx have not ridden both. Feels just as stressed out as the drz400 did (both stock gearing) but with less engine vibes.
-Drz400sm has the passing power and overall faster top speed. Wr250x has nothing left at 110-120 for a pass.
-wr250x feels way thinner/lighter/maneuverable. Even though the scale says they are similar. It's all in the feeling and totally noticeable.
-Fi vs carb. I could not care less. The DRZ was super easy to jet, and would run on choke when cold for 10 seconds then I could take it off and let it warm no issue. Wrx allows me to not reach down and grab a choke. Hardly and issue at all for me.
-wr250x feels like it is put together much better. Just a feeling and opinion.

I dont know which I like better. Id buy the one that was a better deal. Torque is really the only downfall for me on the wrx. Great bikes either one
Forgot some things..

-Wr250x feels much more twitchy at higher speeds, many have opted for a steering stabilizer. Owners have said it could be due to the difference in the wr's geometry. It is very noticeable in comparison to the Drz. Only at high speeds though.
-Drz you can short shift and lug the motor a bit and still make power and get up to speed effortlessly. The wr has to be revved quite a bit to come close to matching the drzs acceleration.
-reliability wise both have proven to be relatively low maintenance for dirtbikes. Both have their problem areas to look out for though so do your due diligence before going to look at one. Drz has many preventative fixes that should be done before you can confidently claim that it is bulletproof.
-both require some basic mods to open them up a bit and make them run right/make reasonable power.
-Drz has much more aftermarket parts available and will ultimately be cheaper to mod/own/buy(wr'S seem to be harder to find used)

Any other questions just ask im sure I have forgot to include a ton.

I really don't think you can go wrong though with either. I'd own another Drz in a heartbeat but I'm content riding the wr as well. Both bikes have their ups and downs but I feel they kind of even out for the type of riding I do.
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