We're in a strange situation in Canada when it comes to drug testing. It's argued that screening is against our charter rights, I don't think cops are even tested, or if they are it's like a thing they do right when your hired and then only again if something happens to make u suspicious. However, there are some instances where this isn't the case. Any Canadian bus company that travels to the US with passengers is required that the drivers are subject to random screening all through their careers, and can be tested upon request by US authorities no questions asked. Whereas other drivers who don't cross the border can be hopped up on whatever the hell they can get in their systems.
Another interesting thing about screening here is that it is said that it is a violation of your privacy due to the fact that other "situations" can be brought to light by the screening that you may have wanted to keep private to yourself, AIDS and HIV for example. I believe that TTC had to get special permission from somewhere just to be able to do an initial screening on applicants, they're not even allowed to do it again unless something catastrophic happens involving customers or TTc property. Edit: Only under suspicion of DUI by TPS or at TPS request can TTC operators be tested.
I'm all for safety and whatnot in the workplace, but there can't be this pickin and choosing of when to apply the rules. I think a dude who's been doin the same job working a heavy press for 15 years who kicks back at the end of a day with a joint shouldnt have his job in jeopardy all of a sudden cuz yesterday they made his job "safety sensitive" and require him to test the next day. There has got to be proper legislation on this cuz good people get fired saying that they have a joint here and there and can quit anytime being hung out to dry because theyre NOT addicts. Tobacco kills that's cool, marijuana sends you to the local burger joint or convenience store to invest in the local economy and that's wrong. Strange times......