Drug Test

You forgot to say, "I'm asking for a friend" :lol:

Do you know what they're testing for? I didn't know drug tests for employment were legal.

Yes its legal, more so for people that work away from home job site/ oil rigs ect.. my friend gets tested weekly and at any given time....Note he operates a Crane
And after testing, celebrate with a huge joint :D
Too bad you don't live in Baltimore where a old man who sells clean urine taken from a daycare center.
Do you know what they're testing for? I didn't know drug tests for employment were legal.

My son had to do the piss test 3 months ago. He was ******** himself, and was actually going to pass up a good opportunity.
I talked him into going (he's cronic) by telling him the worse that can happen is: you won't get the job.
Low and behold - he's been gainfully employed for the last 3 months. It (thc in his system) either didn't show up, they were looking for hardcore evidence in him, or they just don't care.
Dude if its for your insurance carrier at work than it doesnt sound like a drug test, sorry im not doubting you or anything, but they usually wont give you a heads up over the phone if it were for drug screening. It would more likely be like you coming in for your shift and them telling u take this bottle from the tech in the lab coat and do your business cuz u were "randomly selected". Not that I want you to tell me, but is your job considered "safety sensitive", or are you keeping a desk warm, if its a desk job than Im leaning more and more to epilepsy and diabetes testing. When you go for your test, you go in the john and theres a flusher on the toilet or the taps got handles your good. Also make note that if it was a drug test, they should have given u an opportunity to say "ya I had a joint the other day. I have a drug problem" Make note of this cuz its important. If by chance you fail and they say they found weed in your system, DO NOT SAY THAT YOU ARE A RECREATIONAL USER! IDK how your situation at work is with your boss, but if u say this, they can use this as grounds for your dismissal, saying that it was a requirement of your job to be drug free and you freely admitted to being a recreational user. However if you say you have an addiction and need help, they are reuqired to help you find a treatment program for your addiction. That will give you some breathing room, but after treatments they are allowed to increase their screening of your urine, just to make sure you are staying in line with the policy, but since you say this is a once in a blue moon thing for u, staying clean shouldnt be an issue for you. U may be screwed in the sense that when they called you to tell you about the test, they may argue that was your opportunity to admit you have a problem. Theres different ways this could play out, but not to get your hopes up I think this is just a regular insurance physical.
I hear ya man, it might not be a drug test necessarily, but better safe than sorry I guess. I did fill out some insurance forms and said I "do not smoke" though.

Fer sure dude, plus after a little bit of marijuana fasting for you, that joint after the test is gonna be awesome!! Seriously, just remember if they ding u, u have an addiction problem, even if the person giving you the results is your closest co-worker from nineteen how-long, do not admit any recreational use, you are a complete out of control addict who needs help, kapeesh? :)
The answer is not always clear. It would depend on your metabolism and how much you regularly smoke and exercise after you have quit. Also what kind of drug test you're attempting. A drug court test, like those for people on probation check levels and do a more precise check for drugs, but say a drug test for a job at Wal Mart would be less in depth. I recommend: Using the detox drink and doing things that make you sweat a lot. Such as jogging, sauna and hot tubs . Marijuana traces are stored in your fat cells so sweating them out is a great idea. Also, keep hydrated as much as possible to help flush your system and encourage the clearing out of waste and other product like that.
it sounds more like a life insurance thing....just making sure your not sick and going to flake off the earth any time soon....
You forgot to say, "I'm asking for a friend" :lol:

Do you know what they're testing for? I didn't know drug tests for employment were legal.

Thats funny, when the job function has peoples safety involved they test. Even if not, all the following companies test- Bombardier, Navistar, TTC, Go Transit, GM. I was surprised that GE didnt. Some even do hair tests that can see any drug use in the past 6 - 9 months.
We're in a strange situation in Canada when it comes to drug testing. It's argued that screening is against our charter rights, I don't think cops are even tested, or if they are it's like a thing they do right when your hired and then only again if something happens to make u suspicious. However, there are some instances where this isn't the case. Any Canadian bus company that travels to the US with passengers is required that the drivers are subject to random screening all through their careers, and can be tested upon request by US authorities no questions asked. Whereas other drivers who don't cross the border can be hopped up on whatever the hell they can get in their systems.

Another interesting thing about screening here is that it is said that it is a violation of your privacy due to the fact that other "situations" can be brought to light by the screening that you may have wanted to keep private to yourself, AIDS and HIV for example. I believe that TTC had to get special permission from somewhere just to be able to do an initial screening on applicants, they're not even allowed to do it again unless something catastrophic happens involving customers or TTc property. Edit: Only under suspicion of DUI by TPS or at TPS request can TTC operators be tested.

I'm all for safety and whatnot in the workplace, but there can't be this pickin and choosing of when to apply the rules. I think a dude who's been doin the same job working a heavy press for 15 years who kicks back at the end of a day with a joint shouldnt have his job in jeopardy all of a sudden cuz yesterday they made his job "safety sensitive" and require him to test the next day. There has got to be proper legislation on this cuz good people get fired saying that they have a joint here and there and can quit anytime being hung out to dry because theyre NOT addicts. Tobacco kills that's cool, marijuana sends you to the local burger joint or convenience store to invest in the local economy and that's wrong. Strange times......
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I hear ya man, it might not be a drug test necessarily, but better safe than sorry I guess. I did fill out some insurance forms and said I "do not smoke" though.

Take the Bill Clinton approach.....no inhale.
The answer is not always clear. It would depend on your metabolism and how much you regularly smoke and exercise after you have quit. Also what kind of drug test you're attempting. A drug court test, like those for people on probation check levels and do a more precise check for drugs, but say a drug test for a job at Wal Mart would be less in depth. I recommend: Using the detox drink and doing things that make you sweat a lot. Such as jogging, sauna and hot tubs . Marijuana traces are stored in your fat cells so sweating them out is a great idea. Also, keep hydrated as much as possible to help flush your system and encourage the clearing out of waste and other product like that.

This is good info. I think your best move is to drink a ton of water the morning of to dilute your urine as much as possible.

Funny thing is I think the hard stuff goes through your system pretty quickly whereas thc can be stored in fat cells for up to 30 days.
Just tell em its for medicinal purposes :D Pay a doc to write u a prescription of some sort if they ask :D

If THC is fat soluble, I wonder if getting loaded with alcohol will help?
You've got nothing to worry about - I had a blood/urine test for life insurance 10 days after I had smoked a joint (I was semi regular smoking, maybe once/twice a week)

did some research and pretty much the only sure fire way to help "beat" these tests

a) drink a lot of water
b) sweat a lot
c) exercise regularly

shouldn't be an issue for you... what WAS an issue is that the "nurse" they sent over to my house to jab me MISSED my vein THREE times, which is absolutely mind boggling if you saw the veins I have in my arms. The vein that almost every other medical profressional DROOLS at when they're jabbing me was "too big" for this inept retard to poke so she chose a smaller but still protruding vein and proceeded to dig at me like she was picking out a splinter.

On the bright side, I qualified for their "super preferred non-smoker rate" and doubled my coverage for a little bit extra coin
We're in a strange situation in Canada when it comes to drug testing. It's argued that screening is against our charter rights, I don't think cops are even tested, or if they are it's like a thing they do right when your hired and then only again if something happens to make u suspicious. However, there are some instances where this isn't the case. Any Canadian bus company that travels to the US with passengers is required that the drivers are subject to random screening all through their careers, and can be tested upon request by US authorities no questions asked. Whereas other drivers who don't cross the border can be hopped up on whatever the hell they can get in their systems.

Another interesting thing about screening here is that it is said that it is a violation of your privacy due to the fact that other "situations" can be brought to light by the screening that you may have wanted to keep private to yourself, AIDS and HIV for example. I believe that TTC had to get special permission from somewhere just to be able to do an initial screening on applicants, they're not even allowed to do it again unless something catastrophic happens involving customers or TTc property. Edit: Only under suspicion of DUI by TPS or at TPS request can TTC operators be tested.

I'm all for safety and whatnot in the workplace, but there can't be this pickin and choosing of when to apply the rules. I think a dude who's been doin the same job working a heavy press for 15 years who kicks back at the end of a day with a joint shouldnt have his job in jeopardy all of a sudden cuz yesterday they made his job "safety sensitive" and require him to test the next day. There has got to be proper legislation on this cuz good people get fired saying that they have a joint here and there and can quit anytime being hung out to dry because theyre NOT addicts. Tobacco kills that's cool, marijuana sends you to the local burger joint or convenience store to invest in the local economy and that's wrong. Strange times......

I think they changed it last year:

Nah, none of that was implemented. The agreement is that just like with vehicle surveillance cameras, only police officers on scene can determine whether or not an operator is checked for controlled substances. TTC can only screen entry applicants, just as the article says is standard practice for Go train drivers. Even if the TTC suspects someone of being high, they would still have to bring in a cop to make the determination whether or not to proceed with screening. Even the driver that crashed last year and that lady had the heart attack and died after the crash. He had weed on him and wasn't even tested for impairment, why, cuz a cop on scene believed he wasn't impaired.
What your reading was worded incorrectly by the newspaper. The TTC agreed in principal that they want random drug testing, however they don't have the money to implement their "recommendations" as stated by their own proposal http://www.ttc.ca/About_the_TTC/Com...upplementary_Reports/Fitness_For_Duty_Pol.pdf also realize that this hasn't even passed through the courts yet, and probably won't in our lifetime. TTC loves giving the appearance of GAF, but trust me that couldn't be further from the truth.
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