Drug Test

I got one of those drinks from the bong shop way back and it worked (Expensive, but double your money back if you fail) and stop smokin 2 days before the test (From at least once a day for years before that) and drank alot of cranberry juice and it turned out fine.
If they are doing it from a hair sample your screwed.
I got one of those drinks from the bong shop way back and it worked (Expensive, but double your money back if you fail) and stop smokin 2 days before the test (From at least once a day for years before that) and drank alot of cranberry juice and it turned out fine.
If they are doing it from a hair sample your screwed.

OK, sounds good. Considering I was out of the country for 2 months and haven't touched the stuff in ages other than this one time (fawwk....wish they told me yesterday), I'll just drink lots of water and maybe some cranberry juice and hopefully I'll be good.
Borrow some urine from a pregnant chick, and sneak it in.
That will make their heads spin, and buy you some extra time for a re-test ;).
Urine analysis will show signs for at least 72 hours. YMMV.
These tests are ridiculous..smoke and drink all you want..no probs..beat your wife if you like! But gawdd..smoke weed? You're screwed. It only took a few years to figure out prohibition didn't work...we're getting dumber as time goes by..
physical and urine sample? sounds more like theyre testing for epilepsy and diabetes. Unless they actually told you it was a drug test, your OP didnt mention. The only reason I ask I was in the same boat as you two years ago and i was crapping myself. I filled the urine cup and I asked the guy if i could flush what was left in the can. He asked me sure, why did I ask? Well because when your doing an actual drug test, there are no handles on the toilet or faucet and they put tape over faucet to see if youve tampered with it. Dude tells me no, thats only for a drug test. What a relief, felt soooo good smokin that bat as soon as I left the office, lol. So u never know, u may be sweating for nuthin :)
Sweat it out, OP. You always say that your cardio's ****...so it'll be extra easy. Add in some sauna time at the end of it + all the other stuff mentioned up there and you're golden!
I've read that you should use your mid-stream urine.. not the beginning or end stream. Something about the most toxicity is at the beginning stream and end.. I don't know how much truth there is to that, but something to maybe research on if you're still paranoid.
+1 ^ I heard that too, but I dont have anything handy supporting that belief. Hey Roasted, how fit are you? If ur lucky and dont have alot of body fat, u may not have all that much THC in your system. Tons of H2o and make sure before you go to lab you piss ALOT, dont go there with your morning piss in the tank, more than likely will have the highest concentration of THC, then drink a bottle of cranberry juice bout hour to half hour before the test
I've read that you should use your mid-stream urine.. not the beginning or end stream. Something about the most toxicity is at the beginning stream and end.. I don't know how much truth there is to that, but something to maybe research on if you're still paranoid.
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Borrow some urine from a pregnant chick, and sneak it in.
That will make their heads spin, and buy you some extra time for a re-test ;).
Urine analysis will show signs for at least 72 hours. YMMV.

I know a guy who's currently training for a pretty high level body building contest and is probably on every steroid known to man......maybe I should use his urine for LULz

"Sorry sir, we must have gotten the samples mixed up cause this urine belongs to an 800 lb silver-back gorilla. We will require a new sample"
Lol.. Don't worry about it.. Single use in 2 months.. Just go apeshit on the fluids and drink some detox teas. Got plenty of time to get it ou of your system.
Many companies will overlook the weed, unless you are a pilot or something, they are really looking for harder drugs in most cases.
They know a joint you smoked last week will show up, doesn't mean you are high on the job.
Same could apply to alcohol, you can't be drunk at work but you can get hosed on your own time.

You cut it pretty close, i'd say take the test, if they mention it, use the Ross Rebagliati defence. :read:
You forgot to say, "I'm asking for a friend" :lol:

Do you know what they're testing for? I didn't know drug tests for employment were legal.

I know if your a driver who operates a commercial bus over the US border u can be tested thru urine as per DOT rules.
Ever watched Harsh Times? (movie with Christan Bale)

Look it up. It's pretty hilarious, but his solution looked absolutely painful.
Turkey baster up the pee hole..........good movie.

How about Blue Mountain State? The episode where they all get drug tested. OIL CHANGES FOR EVERYONE! LOL
Pretty sure if my boss found out he'd laugh at me and that's about it, this is for insurance coverage for our work group policy

In that case it will probably get noted in your file, but won't matter unless you accidentally run over your co-workers with a company vehicle or get someone killed on a job site.
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