When trucks have to go in the fast lane to pass you, it becomes dangerous. You think you doing 105 will get cops salivating as everyone else blasts by you? Flow with the traffic. If trucks are passing you, speed up by 5km/h....Be considerate instead of "Ho hum, i'm not gonna break the law!" I do 110km/h, middle lane or right lane. I'm hardly ever in a hurry as i dont commute, nor do i have to be at a certain place at XX. If i do have a set time to be somewhere for work, i leave early as i get paid the second i'm behind the windshield. I dont have to be the fastest guy on the road to spot a problem. You've ALL seen it. All of a sudden brake lights, people are braking, tailgating, irritated drivers swerving to see whats the problem. Ah there it is. A semi is trying to pass another semi going 1km/h faster. Or a semi is going around a self-righteous weenie doing a rock solid and not a spec faster than 100km/h. Why? Unless you get joy from impeding others... Most of this was not meant for you Baggsy but for Robp. I dont know how me telling you to flow with the traffic in the right lane (hint, it doesnt go at 100km/h no matter how much your delusional mind wants it to) gets interpreted as "driving erratically". You're a real winner!