Driver ditches motorcycle after Scarborough crash

"Hell, Charley, I don' know! Maybe killed somebody! Maybe stole that big dude o' his! Maybe both."


Bonus points if you guess the movie.

spiderman 2:revenge of the sith
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no need to report stolen.

Guy goes home. Cops arrive whenever they do. He says he couldnt pick up bike, so came home to call towtruck and had some beers while waiting. They cant get him for drunk riding - only abandoning a vehicle on roadway.

If it works for the rcmp then why not the average person, right?
yeah, looks like it fell off the back of a truck ;-) lol

My theory.. Rider drunk heading home.. drops bike on straight road for whatever reason. Too drunk to pick it up.. hightails it home.
At most, he'll get charged with abandonment of motor vehicle on roadway. Gets away with drunk riding.

If they think you were drinking they will charge you with careless.

Left my car on the side of a back road, and it was towed. I didn't get charged because I was able to convince the cop I wasnt drunk when I left the car there.
Tow truck driver made it sound like they found it upside down in the ditch. Gave me this huge lecture about drinking and driving + accidents etc.
Cops might apply a little heat to owner if no sign of ignition tampering. Will need to concoct story on "as needed" basis. I have no(zero)) experience with this so will not speculate further.

THIS, brb I have to take the pins out of my cylinder.

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS
I had a case of diarrhea once. Got real stinky after a while so I put it in the fridge.
They say 3 out of 4 people suffer from it.

Guess that 1 guy must really enjoy it....
They say 3 out of 4 people suffer from it.

Guess that 1 guy must really enjoy it....

Heard it runs in the family...
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