downtown toronto meetup tonight july. 6, 2014

ok mark, I'll see you there. Where exactly do u wanna meet? Ive never been to KC before. And what bike do u ride, so I can find u
I ride a white street triple. But I am going to be late. Caught a work. I'll still drop by but now looks like 7-730. And the meet is at Tim's.
If you're free to add another rider. I can meet at Kennedy Commons at 7-7:30pm today and head to LnL later.
I ride a Suzuki GSXR-600.
Count me interested! The weather is supposed to be relatively nice, as long as you're moving!
Sounds like a good plan. Though weather is now looking like it's gonna be iffy, still wanna head out?
Ok well keep me posted if you still want to head out. I am pretty free till about 4-5. According to weather network only suppose to start raining around late afternoon anyways so we might be ok if we head out soon and come back early afternoon (2-3 ish)
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