Excactly, they would be gonners. Douggie should make it, or had made it very clear on the onset that out of country vacay is outta the question. Chit my old work place use to black list days because we needed all hands on deck at certain times of the year. This goes above an beyond that need, and this is our leadership. No wonder people believe this is a hoax with morons at the helm.
I just see these clowns hanging in the back room smoking cigars, laughing and "well that didn't go over too well" Gheesh, ok lets try something else next time...btw how was the vacay....![]()
Douggie is following standard reactive protocol of admonishing each specific violation as he gets public heat. After oosterhoff party, he said no parties. After Philip's trip gets called out, he says he is angry about trips. There is no way in hell he didnt know about Switzerland in august.
Douggie should have drawn a hard line long ago (around the time he declared an emergency)that says "every elected official is required to obey every public health guideline. Failure to do so will result in the maximum sanctions available and public naming and shaming. Full stop. No exceptions." Not doing that (even now after multiple times getting caught) shows that douggie thinks he is JT and the elite can do whatever they want.