The first promise is actually more like 5 promises. He started with the cap and trade.
He's fired the hydro one CEO
He's started an audit, and has taken numerous steps to reign in govt spending(Iv posted several news reports about this)
at this rate i have no doubts the rest of them will be fulfilled. Heck even if some of them aren't fulfilled a man like ford doesn't sit around. Things WILL get done in ontario.
I'm also all for reducing Toronto city Councillors.
The reality is CO2 emissions have a cost, and eventually Conservatives will come around and accept that like they eventually accepted every other advancement progressive put forward, but by then it will be too late. We'll be behind other jurisdictions in our dependence on fossil fuels and technological base to support alternatives. And when that time comes everyone will wonder why Ontario is so far behind on this issue, figuring it must be because of those greedy self-serving progressives who tax us to hell and leave us with nothing to show for it. Short term gain for long term pain. It's sickening.
As for the Hydro CEO I've said before I supported that if possible. Of course it turns out what Ford has done hasn't saved anything, instead he may have crippled their ability to perform their basic function of supplying people with reliable hydro at the best possible rates. Again, when we're stuck with an ever deepening hydro crisis in 20-30 years people will look back and blame the government they hate the most for all the problems. But here we are in the very moment that it's happening, encouraging it. More short term 'gain' for long term pain. Still sickening.
Regarding the audit: Is that the same one that found savings in fridges, kettles, and running water in active workplaces? More short term... oh you get the mantra by now.
"Things will get done". Great. You could say the same about The Joker, he wasn't a man to just sit around.
As for the issue of councillors, that's not the point. Ford went and upturned an election in progress for the deliberate purpose of payback to the city that rejected him four years ago. And without consultation, of course, exactly what he complained about regarding the sex ed curriculum except this goes to the heart of democracy, and his absence of consultation is real, not imagined. Incredible hypocrisy. The legislation will likely be stayed in court, at a cost of millions in legal costs and administrative costs for a potential whole new election in only 2 1/2 months. This is about saving money, right? It's not about his ego?
Remind me if any of that sounds familiar. A newly elected leader with a thin skin, making sweeping and sudden changes to existing laws with no warning, causing harm to people he chooses to dislike, that will eventually be overturned in court. Where have I heard that before?