Double Vaxxed Covid Spreaders . . . Stay home you filthy animals

I do believe we in Ontario are past general lockdowns and emergency-room triage. (Alberta isn't, and Saskatchewan isn't.)
For Delta I agree. For future variants, no comment. There's always the possibility that a future variant is only minimally effected by current vaccines. That is why we need to focus more on worldwide vaccination programs instead of the rich countries getting a booster shot every few months to maintain peak efficiency. Stop the variant production farms and this mess is in the rearview mirror (still endemic but no longer pandemic).
No they won't. Given that there is no legal mandate to be vaccinated (as a normal citizen), I suspect vaccination status cannot be directly considered in triage. Now, if you look at the potential life expectancy of a person as your triage criteria, the unvaccinated person has a substantially shorter life expectency and therefore may get put beside the dumpster.

The problem with triage is the rider in a crash or your parents/grandparents with a medical emergency may get the triage short stick and be put out to pasture from an otherwise normally survivable incident.

Sure it can. ICU triage is largely based on chance of survival -- an 80 year old otherwise healthy person will get the ICU bed over their unvaccinated counter-part, if push comes to shove.
Sure it can. ICU triage is largely based on chance of survival -- an 80 year old otherwise healthy person will get the ICU bed over their unvaccinated counter-part, if push comes to shove.
What about a bike crash victim vs unvaccinated person with covid but no other obvious comorbidities?
What about a bike crash victim vs unvaccinated person with covid but no other obvious comorbidities?

Depends on the seriousness of their injuries. I'm not sure what you're getting at though -- our hospitals are nowhere near capacity and we have very strong vaccine numbers. Suggesting a lockdown at this point in time is absurd -- especially when it's clear that the vast majority of the unvaccinated are doing so by choice.
Depends on the seriousness of their injuries. I'm not sure what you're getting at though -- our hospitals are nowhere near capacity and we have very strong vaccine numbers. Suggesting a lockdown at this point in time is absurd -- especially when it's clear that the vast majority of the unvaccinated are doing so by choice.
You said "
d4rktrooper788 said:
If ICUs get full they'll be triaged behind those who chose to get vaccinated."

Now you are saying ICU's have room so you don't understand the comment. You're all over the map. I was just making the point that unvaccinated will never get triaged at the back of the line exclusively for that point. Their unvaccinated status may affect their place in the line but they could still be placed in front of you or I.

Yes, ICU's have room now. I agree that a lockdown now or in the future (barring a new variant causing a mess) seems unreasonable and disproportionately disruptive vs the benefit received.
This is where we're at now. I cribbed this data from the gov't website: COVID-19 vaccinations data

Date___________Age______Unvaccinated_Unvaccinated Cases_____Fully vaccinated_____Fully vaccinated Cases
Oct. 30, 2021__All ages__5.63___________195______________________1.11_________________126
Oct. 24, 2021__0-11_____4.11____________N/A_____________________2.46__________________N/A
Oct. 24, 2021__12-17____8.95____________N/A_____________________3.77_________________N/A
Oct. 24, 2021__18-39____7.48____________N/A_____________________2.68_________________N/A
Oct. 24, 2021__40-59____8.58 ___________N/A_____________________2.84__________________N/A
Oct. 24, 2021__60-79____10.47___________N/A____________________1.57__________________N/A
Oct. 24, 2021__80+______827.1___________N/A____________________3.18__________________N/A

I'd like to better understand what numbers they're using to develop the rate, if they don't know the number of cases.
At this point I assume that the difference between the rates and the hard quantity of cases, 5.63 vs 1.11 & 195 vs 126,
is due to the number/percentage of people who have been vaccinated.

The thing I'd like to point out is the unvaccinated 80+ rate, which is significantly higher than the others.
Is there something that we can do better to get this number down? Or is this considered acceptable?
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Kingston is being shipped Saskatchewan COVID patients now. One of the biggest drivers of infections is unvaccinated kids it seems (quite a few school cohorts being sent home here and around the province) and…my sister’s family in the UK are all isolating as they all have COVID and are double vaxxed. Apparently, COVID ran rampant through schools just around half term in October there.
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