Suzi has me well trained after five years, but she's still working on me.
Over that time I've allowed her lots of freedom, and she now rewards me with being able to hang out on the porch or front lawn without running out of control, although she did wander down the driveway and greet the kids on their way to school.
Camping with her when younger was a bit of a chore as she would wander off if you didn't keep an eye out, but when we did Whitby to PEI and the Gaspe she was brilliant and rarely needed a leash unless in close proximity to a roadway or chipmunks.
Parc Forillon, rolling on a dead crab. Oh the joy!
We lived on PEI for a year and a half, no leashes and 11 acres to wander over...
She had to walk on a leash until we got to the beach in Campbellton NB. I think it's largely a matter of setting boundaries.
At our campsite in Nouvelle QC.
Neighbourhood watch duties this morning.
When I walked her as a puppy this monkey stacked the deck with my pockets full of treats, toys and balls. I'd let her go meet other dogs and people, call her back and reward her, then let her go interact again. At the end of a few months I was one of the few people that could call my dog back to me in the dog park.