My dog tore his CCL (similar to ACL in humans) last week

Probably gonna need surgery... has anyone else been through this before by chance?
Yes. Depending on the extent of the tear, the repair might not be necessary.
The issue is taking a hyper/active breed and keeping them on leash for 8 - 12 weeks for things as minor as going out for a washroom break. No off leash exercise as it may cause further damage or in the case of repair, re-injure.
It's temping to let them out in the back yard to do their business and find them hobble back inside.
Even after 8 months, our boxer can exert themselves a bit too much.
Vet said even with the operation, they will never be the same. And in our case, they said without the operation, the pup would regain about 80% of full strength.
Still jumps pretty high but has some trouble jumping up in tight places like the bedroom. Whines to be let up on the bed. Wife spoils him. I refuse.
Operation was fairly costly and outcome not guaranteed.
Each case is different but our vet was pretty matter of fact. Didn't discourage us but didn't make us feel bad if we didn't move ahead with doing it. They also said happens a lot to many breeds.
So we took our chances and didn't have the operation.
The recovery time is the same if they have the operation or not.
We just don't let him get too much off leash exercise. Manages other things like stairs and such fairly well. Time will tell if it continues. He's only a couple of months past a year old.
Good luck.
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