Doggy poop problem

I have noticed an absurd amount of dog **** where I live and this area isn't exactly poor. I have yet to see someone not pick up their dog **** (because I would pick it up and hand it to them in a bag, as a polite **** you.)

Anyone noticing this as well? And can we make a unified effort to shame the ever living **** out of anyone who is not picking up after their dog?
Or you could just save it up and follow them home... LOL.

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Or you could just save it up and follow them home... LOL.

I'm going to be the old man on the front lawn in a rocking chair with a shotgun when I retire. I can probably figure out how to make dog **** shells using their dog ****.

...for now, nobody got time for that lol
I'm going to be the old man on the front lawn in a rocking chair with a shotgun when I retire. I can probably figure out how to make dog **** shells using their dog ****.

...for now, nobody got time for that lol

Learn Jai Alai, then just stoop and scoop! Here's the Jackass episode with oranges:

EDIT: Jesus Christ! I linked with timestamp, but it plays at a completely different (and inappropriate / Jackass appropriate) one. Better to copy and paste this URL:
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Smoking and doggy poop are interesting subjects as there has generally been massive improvement over the decades.

If you went back 40 years poop anywhere was the norm. Mowing a lawn was a crappy job. People expected everyone to accept their pet's waste. A friend just opened his door and told his dog to "Find a spot", never cleaning up afterwards. His dog also rummaged through garbage cans leaving a mess. Love me love my dog.

Smoking in a restaurant was the norm. If you asked for a non smoking table you ended up by the washrooms or kitchen. Smokers would finish their meal and order more drinks while they puffed so were catered to.

Those are the things that are generally far better now. Being in the burbs, stoop and scoop is pretty good. I rarely see a land mine on the lawn and stepping on one is very rare, the exception being goose grease.

According to a neighbour, when the scoop laws were in their infancy someone was sitting on their veranda when a non-scooper let his dog do a number. The offended property owner picked up the turd in his bare hand caught up with the dog owner, stuffed the turd into his shirt pocket, reminding that he forgot something.

If you can get over the psychological part of touching crap it's no big deal. Think of how much you would save on toilet paper.
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