i spend a lot of time at holiday valley in elicottville, ny. weeknights there's virtually no lineup, and the pick-a-night passes are super super cheap. (pay for themselves in like 4 nights)
3 hours to wax a board??? that makes no sense. I like to take my time, and its never been anywhere near 3 hours. not even when im pouring epoxy into half of it hahaha.
I would say it depends on how hard you ride. I used to do slalom racing, so I'd do it every time before a race. And then maybe every 2 or 3 times at the hill. Also depends on the snow, if it's icy, it's probably need to waxed more often. Now I don't know this for sure, so don't hold me to it, just kinda makes sense for meJust bought my board last year and went out on it like 5-6 times max....didnt wax it at often should it be waxed ????
amen to that!What I would do to be on a snowboard today.
amen to that!
r u dum? there are thousands of member on this forum...there must be a poop ton of snowboarder.
Love to snowboard!!! If you ever want someone to ride with or some informal lessons dont be afraid to shoot me a pm!!!
love snowboarding, it makes the normally unbearable ontario winters enjoyable...i wanna do ski patrol this year either at mslm or blue, and definitely a few trips to the west coast are in store for this coming snowboard season for sure.
I would say it depends on how hard you ride. I used to do slalom racing, so I'd do it every time before a race. And then maybe every 2 or 3 times at the hill. Also depends on the snow, if it's icy, it's probably need to waxed more often. Now I don't know this for sure, so don't hold me to it, just kinda makes sense for me
I happen to be on the ski patrol at Mount St Louis Moonstone. If you want to come up for a day we can car pool. With enough notice I could also score you a free lift ticket.