Do you think it's indecent to ride without a shirt? |

Do you think it's indecent to ride without a shirt?

Is it indecent to ride a bicycle/motorcycle without a shirt?

  • Yes - No exceptions

    Votes: 18 34.0%
  • No - no exceptions

    Votes: 12 22.6%
  • Only if they're unfit

    Votes: 23 43.4%

  • Total voters


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Applies to bicycles OR motorcycles (althought it's the former in my situation). My mom thinks it is, but she says she can't explain why. How is it any more different than riding with a dri-fit workout shirt? It's not like no one's seen male nipples before
I say only if there unfit, like myself.
But I would also like to add ATGATT(but if I'm going to the store sometimes I "forget" my jacket, and still don't have any good riding pants, and I just use work boots... )

Do as i say not as i do!

I would like to ad as a side note a few years back when females argue that they should be able to go shirtless in public and won, Why don't I get to see more titties! ...
"In 1991, Gwen Jacob was arrested for walking in a street in Guelph, Ontario while topless. She was acquitted in 1996 by the Ontario Court of Appeal on the basis that the act of being topless is not in itself a sexual act or indecent.[48] Since then, the court ruling has been tested and upheld several times. In 2008, the city council in Vancouver, British Columbia, a location of the World Naked Bike Ride, gave women the right to go topless in public, not solely at swimming pools and beaches."
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put your shirt on. I don't need to see that.

Otherwise I'm taking mine off.

Actually, I've fallen off on the Goodman Trail ( hit a wine bottle after Caribanna going around a sweet couple holding hands while riding), and my shirt saved me, arm and leg were a mess though. That was back when I was fit.
Back in my younger and fitter days, I rode my bicycle shirtless in the hot weather. Very refreshing and got a good tan at the same time.
Your mom knows better than to ride without a shirt.
****, I read that as SKIRT.

Still voted.
Yeah i say its fine. Last year i did it, it was like a 35 degree day and i went out with 2 buddies all of us topless. We do workout consistently and have been doing so for numerous years so were not exactly fat boys but that doesnt matter. If you want to and your comfortable doing it do it.

It feels amazing and you get a sickk tan haha. Plus girls love it :p
Fit or not, I don't particularly enjoy seeing guys topless.

Fit is easier on the eyes.....but seriously put your shirts on. Is it really *that much* cooler? No so put your bloody shirt on! Put a tank top on for god's sake.
I personally find it or unfit...seeing that much skin out in the open is a bit of a shock as I don't see most people topless, out in the open under many conditions *ie. walking on the sidewalk, driving a car etc...
I'll be driving, walking, or riding along and all of a sudden a lotta skin...or even a chick with a nude coloured dress distracts me...

However, I'm glad it's not against the law to be topless, I would've received a ticket a few years back on the QEW if that was the case....

The only time I find I'm used to it being the norm is during Pride Parade *shrug*
Fit or not, I don't particularly enjoy seeing guys topless.

Fit is easier on the eyes.....but seriously put your shirts on. Is it really *that much* cooler? No so put your bloody shirt on! Put a tank top on for god's sake.

LOLz, u'll hate me when its 31*C. I don't wear shirt in the summer.

I have no clue what my neighbours think but I dont really care

I personally find it or unfit...seeing that much skin out in the open is a bit of a shock as I don't see most people topless, out in the open under many conditions *ie. walking on the sidewalk, driving a car etc...
I'll be driving, walking, or riding along and all of a sudden a lotta skin...or even a chick with a nude coloured dress distracts me...

Sheesh, here am I thinking I have a problem when I see girls walking around with less clothes in the summer :rolleyes:
I saw a topless girl riding a bike once. Young and reasonably fit....or would have seemed so in a top! But all that bouncing and dangling and flapping like cow udders was nooooooooooot attractive!

Bras were invented for a reason and it wasn't modesty!!!!!!!

loose topless boobs are not attractive on 95% of the population, and of the 5% who look fabulous unsupported, they only look attractive 10% of the time. Let me refer back to the ol' Seinfeld pickle jar opening episode.

If you find topless women appealing or decent in everyday life, may I suggest a number of societies highlighted in National Geographic you may enjoy holidaying with.

I think the point of topless women was more about equality with men, and if it is accepted for men, then so be it for women, for ugly or for prettier! In our case it's uglier!

Men put your shirts on and save your skin for those special occassions, otherwise your just saving your skin for that fist and last date with the asphalt!!! And for those try hard, wanna do everything a man does, Madonna style type women out there....follow a man's lead and put your shirts back on too! By that I mean don't let equality drag you into the mire of men's indecency!
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Men put your shirts on and save your skin for those special occassions, otherwise your just saving your skin for that fist and last date with the asphalt!!!
Lol who says it ends on the first date? Some people even get married to the asphalt. Inseparable - not even by a metal comb. :eek: That's the only thing that scares me about biking without a shirt. Bicycles with thin tires don't inspire much confidence.

It was a pretty even split yesterday, but it looks like my mom's just being too traditional/conservative :D. & crazykell's right, there isn't much of a difference between no shirt & a tank top. It'd really only be to even out my tan. lol
Do women actually know what men say when they skimp out?!?!

Do men actually believe women say the same thing about them went they skimp it?!?!?! Hahahaha

Shirts on...better for our mutual delusions!
Back in my younger and fitter days, I rode my bicycle shirtless in the hot weather. Very refreshing and got a good tan at the same time.

My dermatologist says there's no such thing as a good tan.

While fit exposed bodies (Male or female) can be rated for attractiveness, being nicely clothed says "I have the brains to dress myself."

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