Do you like me now? CrAzY ChIcK!

If she is just kidding around then she should maybe take up acting as she seems to have a knack for it.

If she isn't fooling around then I feel sorry for her. Someone doesn't behave like that without being subjected to some very harsh treatment by peers. At the beginning of the video she describes other females as "sluts" and talks about her apparent lack of mammary endowment. With that level of resentment towards other women her ability to relate in a positive manner with other women will be compromised. In addition, if she finds herself in a relationship with a guy and his eye wanders she will hate those women and him to a lesser extent. She would benefit greatly with considerable professional counseling but sadly that doesn't happen often enough.
Someone doesn't behave like that without being subjected to some very harsh treatment by peers.

I remember hearing from someone that women like to hate each other and that this in part contributes to many women preferring to have friends among men than women. (I know, generalization, stereotype, etc, etc, but I can see how the "common culture" these days seems to encourage certain types of behaviours.)

I still think that this video wasn't meant to be serious. Not that what she points out is made up, but it looks more like a parody to me.
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