Do you hear this when the cops pull you over?

Btw, in Canada you must at minimum verbally identify yourself to police during a simple traffic stop.
Sorry, not true.
You are required to provide a driver's license, proof of ownership and original proof of insurance, if asked, when the police are investigating you for a driving offense. You are not required to talk to the cop. You don't even have to roll down the window.
If you are not driving, the cop can only ask you to identify yourself, you are not required to produce ID of any sort.
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Jack-Boot-Thug-Pigs only there to impound your property, take you to the dungeon and steal your money!!! Always film police and always invoke your right to remain silent!!
Well except...NO. You watch too much american TV.
The "right" to remain silent... that's a Miranda right... we don't do that. We do Canadian Civil rights, where you have the right to not incriminate yourself. Two different things.
... and trying to exercise your american Miranda rights here is Canada is gonna get the jack boot thugs putting you in a dungeon and stealing your money... and get you charged with obstruction.
Here you're sorta required to answer police questions DURING an investigation, you don't have to answer a question that will put YOU in jail, but you are expected to answer questions that might put other people (except your life partner) in jail.
OH... and I was always told PIG = Pride, integrity and GUTS. Keep calling them pigs, they love it.
OH... Have you ever wrestled a PIG? You get covered in ****, but the pig is having the time of his life AND is getting paid to do it.

Here's a tip in life u/bolly: If you're gonna argue with the cops, KNOW the law. Trying exercise your miranda rights is right along the same lines as trying that "traveler" crap. You're gonna get SERVED AND PROTECTED... and we used to get a tour of Cherry Beach (but I think the tours have been shut down).
I am reminded of a story....
A bunch of us rode down to Dover for the 13th. All on vintage iron. Had a great day... blah, blah, blah
On the way home, of course buddy's Norton Hi-rider breaks down (it was always breaking down... till I fixed it, but that's a story for another time).
GUESS who gets elected to drive back to MIssissauaga to get my truck?
On the way home from Simcoe, I got lit up (I don't remember WHY).
The cop did the cop things...but didn't once mention the vintage Norton in the back of the truck, driving away from Dover, on the 13th, in the dark, that I had no proof of ownership for.
When he was done doing his cop things, I asked WHY I was not questioned about he bike. He didn't at all seem even acknowledge the bike.
I went right down his throat, that he was neglecting his duties, he SHOULD be investigating the ownership of the bike (he could of at LEAST asked. There was a British postal bike stolen off the street at Dover the year before). I made a call to his sergeant the next day.
So if you're leaving Dover with a bike in the back of your truck and get pulled over: You can thank me.
You're welcome. You're getting "SERVED AND PROTECTED"
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